Chapter 9

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Sophia's POV

"Sophia!"My mom yelled as I quickly walked through the foyer just trying to make it out the door. I ignored her and kept walking

"Sophia Isabella Miller!"She said sternly

"What!"I said quite loudly and jerked backed

"Where are you going?"She asked crossing her arms

"Why should it matter it's not like I'm gonna get pregnant?"I said with an attitude

"God Sophia! I'm still your mother, answer me when I talk to you."She said loudly

"I'm going to the store with Peyton. She found out she's having a girl and she's due in 12 weeks. We are going to look at clothes, cribs, and other things that she can add to her baby shower registry with her daughter's father."I told my mother like she was 2

"Stop talking to me like I'm stupid. Don't buy anything."She said rolling her eyes

"It's my own money. I think I can do what I want, oh but wait that's what got me pregnant in the first place. Guess I should change my name to Screwup Sophia? I'll go to city hall and do that."I said opening the front door

"God these hormones have you raging."My mom said walking back to the kitchen

I walked outside to be greeted by the cold November air. I couldn't wait for it to snow, living in Utah our first snow was supposed to be coming tonight. If we're lucky. I got in my car and drove to "Babies R Us." I proudly parked in the expecting mothers area, which felt odd only being 17. Walking in the store I saw Peyton with a guy who,in fact did look like he walked out a Hollister magazine

"Sophia!"Peyton said waving "I would hug you but two bellies colliding wouldn't be good."

"Hi Pey."I said with a smile

"Oh Sophia! This is Liam, Lacey's dad."She said smiling

"Lacey?"I asked surprised shaking Liam's hand

"We're naming her Lacey."He said with a smile

"Aww. That's so pretty."I said in awe

"Thank you. We stayed up all night talking about it."She said smiling at Liam

"Are you two together?" I asked with a smirk

"My babies."Liam said smiling at Peyton

"Jealous."I said with a smile

"Okay let's go look at cribs!"Peyton said holding Liam's hand over to the cribs

We walked over to the crib section and I couldn't believe how many they had. I thought you would only have an option of a few, but the price is what really blew me out of the water.

"How far along are you Sophia?"Liam asked turning around to look at me

"Almost 11 weeks. I don't really have to worry about this to much yet."I said calmly "Maybe I'll get a promotion at work by then to pay for all this."

"Liam I think we should get a white one."Peyton said going around looking at each crib

"Well she's gonna be staying at your place, so it's your call."He said walking over to her

I walked over and saw all the white cribs

"The upholstered one is super cute, but $700 dollars?"I said with the price tag in my hand

"Exactly."Peyton said "Liam how do you plan to get this to California?"

"Well we're both here for thanksgiving break. Your doing online starting next week until Lacey comes. When you get a place picked out I can just U-haul it there."He said moving his hands as he thought about it

"Okay and I think this one for $300 dollars is our best buy. It even has a changing table built into it."She said pointing at it

"Liam are you from here?"I asked

"Yeah my dad works with your dad I'm pretty sure. At the law firm?" He asked scanning the label of the crib adding it to their "Wish-List"

"Oh yeah."I said nodding "You went to that prep school huh?"

"Yup. Surprised you two went to public schools."He said with a smile "Ok Pey what about bedding?"

"I don't know what colors I want for her room. That can wait."She said walking to the carseat aisle

By the end of our trip, they gotten basically everything a baby could every want and need. Carseat, crib, clothes, stroller, toys,diapers, bottles,breast feeding pumps, shoes, play mats, bedding, etc.

"Looks like it's snowing. Drive safe Soph."Peyton said

"I had fun, nice to get out my house. Thanks see you guys soon?"I said as I walked back to my car

"Yeah! Lunch or something."Peyton said as they walked back to their car

"Nice to meet you. Drive safe."Liam said waving

"Bye you guys."I said as I started up my car and started driving down the road.

I drove down the snowy,sleek road, enjoying the winter sights. I put in my Michael Buble Christmas CD and began to sing along. Then all of a sudden as I turned a car pulled out in front of me. Everything happened so fast. I screamed and immediately began blowing my horn. As I felt my car going backwards into a ditch then landing on the side

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