Chapter 23

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Sophia's POV

Unlike my mother my labor wasn't fast and quick. I'd been in labor for six whole hours and it wasn't painless. It was currently nine at night and my parents still weren't here. I had no idea where Jackson was, but Cameron had been in the room with me since we arrived. The nurse kept coming in to check my blood, vitals, how I was feeling, and to check up on the babies.

"Ok Sophia. You're 6cm dilated which is about a soda can, you have to get to 10cm. It could be within the next four hours or the next fourteen. I'd recommend taking a walk around the hospital to help."She said holding her clipboard "Your contractions are 4 minutes apart normally. I'll be back in 45 minutes, remember to keep moving."

She walked out the room leaving us alone yet again.

"Come on. We're going on a walk."Cameron said getting up holding out his hands

I sighed and carefully swung my feet over the bed. He helped me get on my feet to stay stable. I grabbed the iv pole with one hand while holding Cameron's hand. We began to walk down the hallway at my pace being very gentle.

"How are you feeling?"He asked as we walked slowly

"I'm starting to feel agitated and I thought period cramps were bad. I've never been in so much pain in my life. I don't even wanna think about how it's gonna feel when it's time to push."I said as I took breaths

"I'd do it if I could."Cameron said trying to comfort me

"These whole 245 days I've carried the girls have been some of the most memorable days of my life. Some were good, some were down right bad."I began "I've never really said it but that you for not leaving like everyone thought you would."

He began to smile "I don't think I could leave you alone if I wanted to. Just a heads up I'm going to be at your house all summer until I have to go to LA."

I smiled "The girls are gonna love it and you."

"How does it feel that in the next few hours that you're gonna be a mommy?" Cameron asked

"To be honest Cam I'm scared. What if I get them mixed up? What if I can't be there for them all the time? What if I'm not a good mother? I'm 17 and I'm not bring one life into this world, but two." I said stopping

"Stop worrying. You're gonna be one of the best moms in the world. The girls are forever lucky to have someone that would give up so much for them. You cut out all other distractions for them. Hell Sophia! You're fucking valedictorian and you're going to Stanford. Do you know they only accept the best of the best? The twins are gonna love you the way I love you."He said while holding my hand

I was super surprised and relieved "You love me?"

He nodded "More than life itself."

"I love you too."I said smiling as he gave me a peck on the lips

Then a wave of pain of pain came over me taking my breath away. Another painful contraction came as I squeezed Cameron's hand. "Oh my gosh. Can we go back to the room? The contractions are getting worse."

"Come on."He said helping me back to the room

Two hours had passed the only time I'd gotten any sleep. It was now 11 at night and my parents finally arrived. I'd woken up to see them sitting in the couch with Cameron.

"Hi."I said slowly lifting up my hand waving slowly still sleepy

My mom got up and walked over to the bed "How are you feeling baby?"

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