Chapter 24

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Sophia's POV

McKenna and Mckenzie finally finished all their test to make sure everything was fine. Even though they were born earlier than normal there were no health issues, which I was thankful for. I finally started to feel content and we started to let people in to visit. Me being the new mother I was, I made sure everyone washed their hands.

My brother who had been so distant the entire time I was pregnant was so up to the twins when they were born.

"Can you tell them apart?" He asked holding Mckenzie "I can't."

"Not yet. The hats and hospital bracelets help a lot." I said honestly

He walked over and put her back in the bed the hospital provided."How does it feel to be a mom?"

"Exciting, happy, nervous."I said honestly "I'm just happy I got a scholarship to college. Saves a lot of money and debt. Where's mom and dad?"

"About ten minutes ago they went to the twenty four seven walmart down the street to get gifts and balloons." Jackson said sitting down

I sat up and looked at my sixteen year old brother "Do you think dad is still mad? He doesn't seem as happy as mom. Or supportive."

"He'll come around once he sees them. I think it's still a lot for him." Jackson said honestly "Just give him time Soph."

"And if he doesn't come around?" I asked questioning him

Jackson rolled his eyes "He will."

I smiled a bit "Don't ever get your girlfriend pregnant."

Jackson started laughing "I won't look at Cameron he's passed out. God knows how long he's been up."

I glanced over at Cameron who was in the chair asleep. His quiff was no longer a quiff, his bright blue eyes were no longer open, and he slept peacefully.

"Well he better get ready, because the next few months are going to be sleepless and tiring." I said staring at the two cribs beside my bed


I woke up the next morning to see my dad standing over the crib shaking his head, but also smiling.

"Are you pissed or happy?"I asked still sleepy

He glanced over at me "Both. Cameron and your mom went to get breakfast."

"Jackson?"I asked wondering where my brother was

"Home I believe."My dad said sitting down

I got the diaper changing supply and grabbed McKenna gently out of her crib. I took off the blanket and the onesie. She let out little cries I assumed, because she was cold. I disposed the wet diaper and replaced it with a fresh one. I changed her diaper carefully then I grabbed a fresh plain pink onesie to put on her. After I put the onesie on I wrapped her in a very soft blanket. To keep her warm I put her pink hat that had McKenna embroidered into it, which was a gift from my mom. I grabbed a bottle of the milk I pumped. Her eyes were still closed as she drank the bottle slowly.

"Do you mind feeding McKenna while I change Mckenzie? I don't want her to get upset and start crying, because Kenna will too." I said looking at my dad

He got up and picked up McKenna from my arms while grabbing a diaper to give to me. "Be careful!" I said nervously

"Calm down Soph. I have two kids."He said reassuring me as he sat back down with McKenna

I rolled my eyes "Do you remember how to do it? Not too fast not too slow."

He nodded his head as I got up to grab Mckenzie who was already up and looking around. She had bright blue eyes much like Cameron's. I sat down on the bed and began to undress her.

"Eww she pooped."I said at the stench

My dad laughed "Reminds me of you. They both look like you."

"Dad I mean they're identical twins. They're the same person just split into two, you know what I mean." I said as I wiped Kenzie's butt of the yucky poop

"Do you think the bright blue eyes will stay or go?" He asked looking at Mckenna

I thought about it for a moment. I had hazel eyes while Cameron how big bright blue eyes. "I think they'll stay. If you think they look like me then maybe their eyes will be the only thing the got from their dad."

I put Kenzie in a pastel purple onesie unlike Kenna who was in a pink one. I swaddled her in her blanket and began to cuddle her. Then I grabbed a bottle and began to feed her.

"I haven't told you this, but I'm proud of you. I thought you would give up." My dad said "Not just you. You and Cameron. You've always been motivated though."

"Thanks dad."I said Cameron and my mom came through the door

"We got your favorite chick fill a breakfast!"My mom said setting the food on the table

Cameron walked to my side and admired one of the children we bought into this world.

"Kenzie or Kenna?"I asked quizzing him

He looked at her for a moment "Mckenzie her head is a bit wider."

I nodded my head "Good job."

"Can I feed her?"He asked holding out his arms

"Duh. You are her dad."I said handing him gently her and the bottle as she began to fuss because I took the bottle out of her mouth before she was done

I got up from the bed as Cameron slowly made his way to the rocker in the hospital room. I checked my phone it was 8:30am which meant they would next eat at 12:00pm. My mom handed me my food out the bag as I sat at the table to eat.

"Mike!"My mom said walking over to my dad who was now holding an empty bottle "Let me hold my dear McKenzie."

I spoke up "Dad has McKenna not Mckenzie. Cam has Mckenzie."

She didn't seem to care much she took McKenna from my dad and began to hold and talk to her. Cameron sat the empty bottle on the counter and place Kenzie back in her crib as my dad wasn't interested in holding her. He sat next to me at the small table.

"How are you feeling?"He asked taking a sip of his drink

I wiped my mouth to get rid of any crumbs from my biscuit "Better. Still sore, but the girls are taking my mind off of it."

"Ready to go home?"He asked looking me in the eye

I nodded "Not for the long sleepless nights."

"Don't worry. I'll be right there."He said rubbing my knee to reassure me

I smiled with happiness, because I knew he wasn't lying.

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