Chapter 8

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Sophia's POV

"Are you going to Jason's halloween party?"Ava asked I assumed talk to Chloe, since I was now 10 weeks pregnant.

"I wish."I said leaning against my locker eating a muffin

"I'll get back to you on that Ava. How's work Soph?" Chloe asked

"5 days a week, 4-9pm it's okay. Still waiting on my colleges acceptance letters. Speaking of work I have to go it's 3:30pm and it's gonna take a while to get there. Have fun at your halloween party, don't end up like me." I said going down the hall making my way to my car

These past few weeks have been completely tiring, utterly exhausting, and frustrating. When I went to the doctor 5 weeks ago I found out I was 5 weeks along. In those 5 weeks, you would of thought Cameron would have come around. Wrong. In those 5 weeks, we haven't talked more than 5 words to each other. While, I've been working 5 days a week while carrying a child. Yet all he wants to do is party and not care.

I walked into the building of the children's boutique I worked in. I spotted the women who was named Lisa and was about 40 ish years old. She had two daughters who were 10 and 6 and one son who was 13. Who started the store when her kids started going to school and she didn't have much to do. The store sold things for premeies and the way to about children's sizes. Which I enjoyed working into, it pretty much assured no one from school would come in.

"Hi Sophia. How's the little one?"She said with a smile pointing to my belly

"Oh!"I said looking down at my belly "He or she is just fine. Appointment next week."

"It's totally a boy. You can go put your things in the back, I'll put you on cashier duty. I'll put the new things out. Sound good?"She asked

"Perfect."I said walking to the employee only room which was just an average size room with a desk, bookcase, and a lot of magazines. I sat my purse on the table and slipped my phone into the pocket. I walked back out and over to the cash register.

The whole shift I rang up cute little onesies, bows, little baby clothes, and baby shoes. Which really got in the baby mood, for a bit. After my shift was over everything was going fine until my stupid gas light came on. I pulled over to the gas station and into a gas pump. I forgot my card at home so I proceeded inside the gas station the pay with cash. There was a women who was middle age women who was browsing the newspaper while she was in line. When I got in the line she immediately turned around and gave me a disgusted face.

"It's teenagers like you who destroying this world and society."She murmured "Disgusting slut you've should of kept your legs close."

Wanting to cry and just disappear, I turned around and left the gas station. I climbed in my car crying and sped my way down the empty street. Walking into my house my mom and dad were sitting in the kitchen flipping through some books.

"Honey, we have something to discuss."She said almost happy

"We have found many options for you."My dad said

"Options?"I asked my voice breaking wiping the tears

"Your baby can live here with us or we've found at least 5 good candidates for it to live with."My mom said still flipping through the book

"You what?"I said with my heart dropping

"This is the best option for you sweetie."My dad said

"No it's the best option for you."I said emphasizing on the you "It's not an it."

"You need to go to college and live your life. Your suppose to be getting ready for senior prom and you fucking missed your homecoming last weekend and not to mention the party for halloween. IT is ruining your life!"My mom yelled

"MOM! I don't care about a stupid party or some stupid dance. I'm keep him or her whether you like it or not. I promise as soon as you can I'll be out of your way. Don't want to ruin your perfect family image. What else should I do? Never go out in public? I'm sorry that I screwed up. I already got called a disgusting slut who should of kept her legs closed at the gas station tonight. I don't need you forcing me to give up the only person that's still on my side!"I yelled almost crying "I'm going upstairs don't talk to me right now."

I went up the stairs and Jackson right there sitting at the top of the stairs.

"Listen Soph I'm sorry for what I said."He said standing up

"Can it Jackson. You probably fucking helped them."I said pushing past him going to my room.

I slid down the closed door and began to cry. I officially had one of the worst days of my life. I wiped my tears and walked over to my window. I saw Cameron staring back at me. He looked like he just saw a ghost. After a minute of staring at each other my phone rang

"Why aren't you at the party?"I asked "You've been to every other one."

"Been busy. Why are you crying?"He asked

"A lot of shit has been happening. I'm working 4-9, school is eating my up alive, and my parents want me to give up the baby." I said my voice cracking

"What why?"He said almost surprised

"What do you care?"I asked hanging up and closing the curtain

I went over to the bed and laid down to forget about everything bad or at least try


Sorry for not updating a lot. Finals have been kicking my ass and I've just been really busy. Just wait for winter break and i'll be updating like crazy.

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