Chapter 10

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Sophia's POV

I woke up in an empty, dark, hospital room. I had no memory of what just happened. I felt the iv's in my arm and heard a machine beeping. I sat up a looked around to the dull setting. Some boring painting of a flower and a tv that looked liked dinosaurs used it. Where is my family? What happened where am I? I immediately jerked up when I felt my stomach flat. Where is my baby? I thought. Then a little angel sat at the end of my bed.

"I'm alright mommy. Please wake up mommy." The little angel told me

I had no voice, even when I tried to speak I couldn't. I so badly wanted to grab the little angel and ask them what they were talking about.

Cameron's POV

I watched her look helpless laying in the hospital bed. I waited for her to wake up, so I could see her green eyes. I so badly just wanted to hear her voice. I watcher nurses go in and out checking on her. One stood by the doorway just watching her.

"Do you know if her parents are closer?"I asked looking at the older nurse

"They said they were stuck in traffic, because of the snow storm." She said impatient as this was the 3rd time I asked

"How long has she been asleep?"I asked yet another question

"About 7 hours. Young man do you want some dinner?"She asked "The cafeteria has good sandwiches."

"No thank you."I said watching her heart monitor as her heart rate started increasing rapidly

"Oh gosh."The nurse said walking over to Sophia

"What's wrong?"I asked standing up

"Her heart rate is increasing rapidly. She must be having some type of nightmare or something." The nurse said "I'm going to get the doctor don't do anything stupid."

I watched the nurse leave the room and walk down the hallway at a fast pace. I went over to the bed and stared at her. When Her eyes flung open. She started moving her hands like she was trying to tell me something.

"What Soph?"I asked grabbing her hand

She pointed to the oxygen mask, which then I took off

"Where's our baby?"She asked like she just got finished running the mile. I was so stunned just to hear her say our baby

"The baby is your stomach Soph."I said taking her hand

"I thought we lost the baby Cam."She said with her eyes watering

"The baby is fine Soph. Nothing is wrong at all. They checked 3 times, I made them. They've been waiting for you to wake up."I said rubbing her hand

"What happened?"She asked sitting up a little

"Some drunk idiot ran you off the road. I could fucking kill him."I said angry at the thought

"The baby Cam, it talked to me. It told me to wake up, it was an angel. I thought it died. I was so scared." She said still in shock

"Here."I said handing her a tissue sitting on her hospital bed giving her hug

Sophia's POV

I let myself fall into his arms. I just did. Cameron might not have been there for a while, it was just the fact that he was there before my parents. That he was comforting me.

"How long have you've been here?"I asked still hugging him

"Since about 3pm when they called me."He said pulling away looking at me

"What time is it now?"I asked

"Around 10."He said as my parents walked in

"Oh Sophia!"The both said running over the bed

"It took you 7 hours to get here?"I asked confused

"How's our grandchild?"My dad asked

"Oh you care now."I said under my breath

"Perfect."Cameron said

"Why is he here?"My dad asked

"He's been here longer than you."I said actually defending him

"Ok please exit the room if you're not expecting parents." The nurse said wheeling in an ultrasound machine

"Oh please I think we can stay."My mom said rolling her eyes

"Please mom I don't need stress right now." I said frustrated

"Come on sweetheart."My dad said leading her out the door

The nurse closed the curtain and hooked up the machine. Cameron pulled up the chair next to me.

"I'm just gonna check your little joy out since you're awake now."She said putting the jelly stuff on my body "Have you've had an ultrasound before?"

"I've had a few." I said glancing over at Cameron

"Ok so at this point you are only a few days from being 11 weeks. "She said moving the thingy around

"He or she is so tiny."Cameron said looking at the screen

"7 more weeks until you know for sure. Everything looks perfect."She said putting up the things

"Can I go home tonight?"I asked

"Yes, no traumatic damage or anything. Few scratches nothing major. I'll get you ready for discharge."She said getting the machine and leaving the room

After a few moments of silence I grabbed the sweatpants and sweatshirt my parents bought for me. I swung my legs over the bed and tried to get up before It felt weird.

"Hold on let me help you."He said walking over to me

"Can you just put the sweatpants on my legs? They're just really sore."I said scooting myself back

"You sure you don't wanna go in the bathroom?"He asked raising his eyebrow

"Chill out you've seen me in less."I said trying my best to put sweatpants on sitting down "Here help me up." I said putting my hands out

Cameron pulled me up, which helped me pull my sweatpants up.

"Untie the gown please?"I asked turning around

"Trying to seduce me Soph?"He asked with a smirk

"Shut up. I have a sports bra on and you can't disturb the baby downstairs."I said with a smile

"Our baby."He said slowly as he took the knots out the robe

"Our baby."I said quietly as a grabbed the sweatshirt and put it on

"Are you gonna find out what it is?" He asked as I put my boots on

"I don't know. I'd liked to be surprised then I don't. It's kinda your choice too. I really want you to have choices too Cam."I said with a smile "Come on I wanna get out of here."

We walked back into the waiting room and saw my parents.

"How is she or he?" My mom asked

"Perfectly fine."I said assuring them

"Anyway we've talk to Cameron's parents and decided it would be a good idea to talk, tomorrow." My dad said

"About what?"I asked

"About it." My dad pointing to my belly

"It's not an "it" it's a baby. Please don't refer to our child like that."Cameron said surprising me

"You see what I've been talking about."I said to Cameron "Mom, Dad. I think I just need to stay Cameron for the night."

"Goodnight."Cameron said as I followed him not even waiting for my parent's reply

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