Chapter 12

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Important please read!!!

Author's Note: I just wanted to say thank you so much for all the reads! I can't thank you enough. It really means a lot.I also wanted to say that each chapter is how many weeks she is ex. Chapter 12 means Sophia is 12 weeks,Chapter 13 means Sophia is 13 weeks, etc. I'm doing this just to ensure I get a good amount of chapters in and a good amount of writing. Since I'm gonna do a week worths of writing in a chapter, I'll try to make them longer. all I wanted to say, again thanks so much for read and don't forget to vote!

Sophia's POV

My parents picked out a perfect GMC Suv. It was much better than the classic beetle and had a tons more space. It was also much more safer than a compact car. School was school. I hated walking down the hallway and getting strange looks. No one ever though "Perfect Sophia" would end up pregnant at 17. This week was college visitation week so all seniors would be spending the week out of state visiting their colleges. My mom and I would be flying out to Stanford to pick out an apartment, see the city, and tour the campus. I bought my biggest sweatshirts along that would hide my belly, other than the fact it would probably be hot in California.

"Sophia please drink another bottle of water."My mother said as we were on the plane flying to California

"Mom this is gonna be my 4th one."I said opening yet another water bottle

"Your obstetrician said you need to keep hydrated on the plane. Drink up."My mom said raising her eyebrow

"Do you think I should find out the gender?"I asked putting the water down after taking a sip

"In your situation yes. It would help more for gifts and such."My mom said "Especially if you want to pay for things on your own. You're gonna need an idea and a color scheme."

"I want to be surprised though."I said looking over at her

"How about you don't find out, but I do."My mom said proudly

"Do you think Cameron will want to know?"I asked "I kinda want to surprise us both."

"Ask him that Fia."My mom said as we began to land

We got off the plane and went to baggage claim. Then my mom rented out a car and we began to drive to the hotel to get settled in. California was much warmer than Utah and had a lot more to do.

"What time are we meeting Peyton for dinner?"I asked as we were driving in the car

"It's 5:30 right now and we are meeting her for 6:15 at Cheesecake Factory. So we need to get ready as soon as we get in." My mom said as we drove

"Oh."I said looking out the window

"So is Cameron visting UCLA?"My mom asked

"Yeah with his parents."I said still looking out the window at all the landmarks

"Are you guys together?"My mom asked glancing at me

"Oh gosh mom no."I said jerking my head in her direction

"Wouldn't hurt to ask, considering you're carrying his child." My mom said pulling into the hotel "I'm gonna go check in stay here."

My mom put the car in park and went to check in. I grabbed my phone out and dialed Cameron's number.

"Hello?"He said like he just woke up

"Did you just wake up? Aren't we in the same time zone?"I asked looking at the clock

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