Chapter 25

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Sophia's POV

The past four days have been sleepless and tiring, but in a way all worth it. The girls had their first doctors appointment for a checkup today which was nice,because I haven't left the house since the day we came home from the hospital. Cameron couldn't come, because he couldn't miss anymore school. I decided to take them by myself considering when I moved to California I would probably have to a lot by myself. Peyton and I face timed when we could and she couldn't wait to see the twins. It was crazy how much Lacey grew from the last time I saw her. The girls would be the best of friends.

For the doctor's appointment I put on sweatpants and a loose t-shirt since my body was still bouncing back. It was fairly warm outside considering it was almost May and I would be graduating in five short weeks. I dressed the girls in onesies that had their name on them. McKenna's was purple and McKenzie's was pink. I decided I wouldn't dress them too much alike until they developed their different features and personalities despite being identical twins. McKenna was kept in the swing until I finished strapped McKenzie in her car seat. After I strapped Kenzie in I strapped Kenna in. The girls were asleep as usual which was pretty normal for a newborn.

I carefully walked down the stairs with both twins in hand. I sat both of the carseats in the foyer while I quickly ran to the garage to turn on the car so it wouldn't be super hot. After the car was at a decent temperature I put Kenna securely in her carseat and did the same with Kenzie. After I double checked that they were secure I opened the garage using the handy button in my car and began to drive to the doctor's office.

"How often do they eat?"The doctor said examining the twins

"Every two hours." I said sitting in the chair

She nodded her head "Breastfed or formula?"

"Breastfed."I said as she turned her attention to me

"That's good. Any questions?" She asked "As far as I'm concerned they've hit all the milestones they should have reached."

I started smiling at the great news "That's good. I don't have any questions now,but if I do I'll call you for sure."

"Okay McKenzie and McKenna Taylor are all updated on their immunizations. We'll see you when they hit a month old. Okay?" She said writing information down

I nodded my head getting up to dress the girls again "Thank you."

As I dressed them I looked into their eyes, it was so hard to believe that they were almost a week old. I didn't want them to grow up, I wanted them to stay babies forever. As I finally finished putting the twins back into their carseats in the car my phone began to ring. I pressed the button in my car that allowed me to take calls from my car without using my hands.

"Hello?"I said backing out carefully

"Hey Soph."Cameron said making me smile

With a grin on my face I began to wonder how he was calling me if he was at school "How are you calling me? School doesn't get out until 2:45pm?"

"Uh Soph it's 3pm."Cameron said confused

We spent almost two hours in the doctors office. I lost track of time between calming on twin down after they got shots and being checked up.

"Wow that doctors appointment lasted longer than I thought."I said looking at the clock in the car

"How did they do? Where are you?" He asked with a lot of question

"The twins are fine. McKenzie weighs an ounce more than McKenna. We're currently two minutes away from my parent's house. Are you home?"I asked

"Yeah. I'm gonna come over when you get home."He said "How are you feeling?"

I thought about it "Much better. Are you gonna stay for dinner?"

"If you want me to."He said honestly

"And I do."I said pulling into the driveway "I'm in the driveway."

I hung up the phone, put the car in park, turned it off, and got out of the car. Cameron gave me a hug and a kiss on top of my head as I got out the car. I walked around to the other side to get McKenzie as I managed to get my house key out of my pocket. I unlocked the door while holding on tightly to McKenzie's carseat while Cameron had McKenna. We walked upstairs into the twin's nursery. It was time for them to eat and if they didn't in the next thirty minutes then world war three would go down.

I gently unbuckled McKenzie and picked up her small body. She looked into my eyes which warmed my heart. I sat down in the rocker and began to breastfeed her.

"She'll grip your finger if you put it into the palm of her hand."I said talking to Cameron while I looked at McKenzie

Cameron put his index finger in McKenna's small hand and she gripped it "Already wrapped around your finger."

"I can't wait for them to come to my football games, to take them to the park, anything." He said lovestruck

"What are you gonna do when the turn sixteen?"I said raising an eyebrow

"They're gonna get a car." Cameron said with a smirk

"I know this is something we never talked about, but I don't regret getting pregnant. Not,because I have you under lock and key for the next eighteen years."I said smiling at him "I can't imagine my life without them now. Crazy to think my parents wanted me to give them up for adoption."

"I could never now." Cameron said "I don't regret getting you pregnant either let me see if I remember how to?" He said jokingly

"Doctor already told me I couldn't have sex for six weeks. You're out of luck buddy." I said with a grin

"Thank you."Cameron said out of no where as I switched out the twins to eat

"For what?"I asked starting the breastfeed McKenna

"For carrying them. Even though the odds were against you and all the dirty looks you got everything." He said burping McKenzie

I felt so loved and appreciated. The whole time I was pregnant nobody said thank you, but he did. It was a great feeling. No matter if I did get pregnant earlier than I should of, it was worth it.

"Welcome."I said "I finished my graduation speech last night."

"Can I read it?"He asked

"No."I said bluntly

"Then why'd you tell me?"He said his voice getting high

"Because I needed to tell someone. You can hear it a graduation."I said with a wink

"Sophia?"He asked

I lifted my head up to look at him "Yes?"

"Do you wanna go in with me?" He said making me confused

"Go in?"I asked questioning him

"Not go out, because you're already my girlfriend. I'm taking you on a date in. I'm going to cook you dinner in your house and set it up real nice. Since you can't take the girls in public yet. Then after we eat we can watch a movie and just enjoy each other. Tomorrow night."He said with his idea

"I'd love to go on a date in."I said smiling very excited for tomorrow

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