Chapter 6

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Sophia's POV

"Sophia? Are you okay?"My mom said walking into the bathroom of my room

"Yeah mom it was just the smell of the meat." I said after I washed my mouth

"The meat? Meat never makes you throw up Soph."My mom said walking over to me

"I know, it's just a bug."I said trying to cover up what was really going on

"Meat never makes anyone in this family throws up, except me when I was." My mom said as she stopped "Except when I was pregnant."

A million thoughts ran through my head. I was so screwed.

"Sophia are you?"My mom said softly

I nodded my head and started to cry "I'm sorry it was just one time."

She started to hug me, which was surprising. "Are you sure?"

"I took 3 test mom and they all came back positive."I said pulling out of her hug walking to the dresser. I pulled out the 3 test that sill had "Pregnant 4+" on it.

"You have to tell your dad? God Sophia. How long have you known?" She asked furious but caring

"A few days."I said looking down at the tests

"What are you gonna do for college?" She asked

"I talked to Peyton and she's going to Stanford with a baby, so why can't I?"I said

"You're gonna have this baby around April, you graduate in June. Stanford starts school in October, so the baby will be what 7 months? California is 11 hours away from Utah. I can't drive 11 hours when you need my help."My mom said yelling at me

"I won't move there until the last possible minute I can. Like you said the baby will be 7 months old, I think I will have it down by then."I said arguing back

"I think you should leave the baby here with your dad and I, or give it up for adoption."My mom said rolling her eyes

"You're being ridiculous." I said yelling back

"You were being ridiculous by opening your legs and getting pregnant in the first place!"She argued back "Now go downstairs be responsible and tell your father you're 17 and pregnant."

"I will."I said exiting my room descending down the stairs and entering the kitchen where I saw my dad in the kitchen reading the newspaper. I thought I could just flat out say it, but I couldn't.

"Hi Sophia. Why do you look like you just saw a ghost?"My dad asked putting down the newspaper

"She's pregnant Mike!"My mom said out of no where

"Good joke, not Sophia. She's too innocent."My dad said drinking his smoothie

"She's not joking dad. I'm pregnant."I said with my eyes watering

"Oh no Sophia! Why?"He said raising his voice making me jump "Your life isn't suppose to go this way."

"But it is! Everything happens for a reason." I said crossing my arms

"What's going on?"Jackson asked coming into the kitchen

"Go upstairs Jackson." My mom said

"Who's the dad?" My dad asked

"I would like to know too."My mom said crossing her arms

"Cameron."I said quietly

"Who? Speak up, obviously you could speak up when you had sex!" My dad yelled back

"Cameron!"I yelled aggravated

"That son of a bitch." My dad said shaking his head

"When did you two do it?"My mom asked

"When you and dad went to Bora Bora and he threw a party. Jackson was at football camp."I said

"Sophia? You're pregnant?"Jackson yelled

I nodded my head turning his way

"I'm going to fuck him up right now."Jack said furrious running out the house

"Jackson! No!"I yelled chasing after him grabbing his shoulder "Don't Jackson, I don't want him to find out like this."

"He knocked you up Sophia!"He yelled

"It was both of us Jackson. Please chill out." I said moving my hand off his shoulder

"Why aren't you freaking out? You're gonna have that burden that's in your stomach for the rest of your life." Jackson argued back

"He or she isn't a burden Jackson. God you're so stupid."I said clenching my hands together

"If I'm so stupid, why am I not a parent?"He said pushing past me going up the stairs

"We're gonna talk about your options with Cameron's parents over the weekend. I made you an appointment next Saturday. You need to tell Cameron you're carrying his child within the next 24 hours. Go to your room Sophia. Your dad and I have a lot to figure out."My mom said

I trudged up the stairs went in my room and closed the door. I pulled out my phone and called Peyton.

"Hello?" She said

"Hey it's Sophia." I said sitting on my bed

"Oh hey what's up?" She asked

"I told my parents."I said timidly

"Oh my gosh! What did they say?"She said surprised

"They're pissed, but they aren't disowning me. So I guess it's okay?"I said into the phone

"Did you tell Cameron?"She asked

"No. I don't know how."I said admitting the truth

"You need to tell him. He may or may not want to be there for the kid, but at the end of the day it's his kid too." Peyton said

"You're right. I'll call you back tomorrow or something. I just wanted to tell you, but I can't wait for our girls day Saturday."I said calmly

"Ok. Good luck Sophia, night."She said hanging up the phone

I placed my phone on my desk and walked over to the window. Cameron was sitting at his desk, I guess doing homework. When he looked up I gave him a call me sign.

Then my phone started to ring.

"Hey. Can you meet me in my backyard? I'll open the gate."I said

"Um sure."He said getting up from his desk

After hanging up, I crept down the stairs. Then I went by the pool area and opened the gate.

"We can go in the gazebo."I said closing the gate after him

"Ok."He said as I lead him to the gazebo. We sat down on the bench.

"I have to tell you something."I said grabbing the sticks from my pocket

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