Chapter 4

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Sophia's POV

I put my textbooks in my locker that I didn't need. When I closed my, some one was behind it making me jump.

"Don't be scared baby."Cameron said leaning against the lockers

"God Cameron. Why are you here?"I asked

"I've been going to school here since I was a freshman, we have Engligh together."Cameron said

"Not that dumb ass. Why are you by my locker?" I asked

"We need to talk."He said

"No no we don't."I said frantically walking past him then he grabbed my wrist

"Where are you going?" He asked

"To Peyton Anderson's house.I have to go." I said pulling my wrist away

"Why are you going to that whore's house?" He asked

"What the hell Cameron? She's not a fucking whore." I said

"God are you on your period?" He asked throwing his hands in the air

"I wish Cameron, I wish." I said leaving him in the hallway. I went to the parking lot for seniors and got in my car. I drove to Peyton's house which was more like a mansion and it was only 5 minutes away from mine. I got out a knocked on the door.

"Are you Mrs.Miller's daughter,Sophia?" Peyton's mom asked

"Yeah, is Peyton home?" I asked

"Yeah she's in her room. Up the stairs and the second door on the right."She said welcoming me in

"Thanks so much."I said before I went up the stairs into a large room that was decorated like Breakfast at Tiffany's.

"Sophia?" Pregnant Peyton said turning around in her desk chair

"Hi Peyton."I said closing the door of her bedroom

"Why are you here? Don't get me wrong it's great to see you." Peyton asked curiously

"I need to ask about Stanford. I applied there with early admission."I said sitting on the edge of her bed "When are you going back?"

"3 weeks when their Freshman year officially starts."She said "Then again I'll be the only 23 week pregnant girl their."

"Peyton congrats on your baby. Do you know what it is?" I asked

"I find out in 2 days. You're so lucky your not in my place. I wish I was still fit and I could see my toes."She said with a smile

"Actual that's not true."I said looking down

"What do you mean Sophia?"She said with her eyes getting big

"I'm, I'm pregnant Peyton. I'm a pregnant 17 year old senior."I said with my eyes watering

"Oh god Sophia." Peyton said getting up sitting next to me comforting me

"I took 3 test Peyton they all came back positive."I said wiping my eyes "I'm suppose to be going to Stanford getting my dental degree, not being a mom."

"How many weeks late are you?"Peyton asked

"2 weeks late. I'm never more than a day or two late." I said looking at her

"Have you told your parents?" She asked

"Oh god no Peyton. My parents will kill me and feed me to the wolves."I said

"Do you know who the dad is?" Peyton asked

"I've only slept with one and guy and it was Cameron Taylor."I said looking her in the eye

"When did you have sex?" She asked

"Like almost 2 months ago at a party."I said looking down

"So you're like 5 or 6 weeks along. Raise your sweatshirt."She said

I stood up and raised my sweatshirt staring at the little bump that formed.

She examined my belly "Any strange intolerants to foods?"

"Meat." I said putting my shirt down

"Me too. You need to tell your parents. It's not fun at first, but it gets better. Promise."She said sitting down

"They'll disown. They think I'm sweet innocent Sophia."I said sitting next to her

"You can come here. I promise."She said sweetly

"You're leaving for California in 3 weeks."I said

"Doesn't matter I doubt your parents will disown their only daughter." She said with a smile

"Thanks Peyton. I need to go home. I have a ton of homework and I'm still going to Stanford. Baby or not." I said with a smile

"I'll walk you out."She said as we got up going down the stairs. I got in my car and rolled down my window to say goodbye

"Wanna get lunch Saturday?"I asked

"Sure, I'll call you tomorrow. Bye Sophia!"She said waving and with one hand on her belly

I waved back and drove to my house where a surprise was waiting.


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