Chapter 20

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PLEASE READ SUPER IMPORTANT!! I just wanted to write a quick note. Within the next few chapters Sophia will have her babies. I don't wanna extenuate the story more than it should. I have big plans for this story and this book is only number one. This is only a background, because the next one will be mainly about Sophia being a single mother to 3/4 year old, in college, with her kid's dad four hours away. My plans aren't to prolong this more than it should for the reason, because the purpose of this is only to really get background information. Originally I only planned for it to be 10 chapters or so but I fell in love with developing the characters. By the way the Stanford visit wasn't the last of Dylan, so get ready for that. I just wanted to say that, so no one would think I was rushing. When my main focus wasn't really to write a full out teen pregnancy struggle, when my goal for Sophia is to show her struggles as a 22 year old mother raising two 4 year olds mainly by herself, constantly fighting with their dad, find some romantic encounters, and trying to finish college. Also the room above is the twins room at the house in Stanfrod, not in Utah. Thanks for reading!

Sophia's POV

I put on a black sweater, maternity jeans, and some uggs. I glanced at my high school speech that was no where near done. I brushed my hair and did some light makeup. I walked or should I say waddled downstairs grabbing my purse and keys. Everyone already knew where I was going, so I didn't bother to shout it through the huge house. I started up my mom car and drove to the restaurant. The place was local and served everything you could imagine. As I walked in I saw Cameron waiting at a table talking to a bubbly brunette. I walked over there and sort of glanced at her.

"Oh Valerie this is Sophia, my girlfriend."Cameron said already sitting down

The girlfriend part caught me off guard, but I ignored it and shook her hand. "Hi." I said sitting down as the girl walked away

"Oh that's the waitress. You wanted a salad right?"He asked me as I rubbed my belly

I nodded "Girlfriend?"

"Mmhm. You're my girlfriend." He said taking my hand

"There's somethings we need to talk about, not the whole girlfriend thing I'm fine with that. Very happy actually. We need to start talking about the nursery, my mom is working on the one here, I need to fly out to California before I can't to set up, and I'm rethinking the first names."I said all in one sentence

"What do you mean about the names?"He asked concerned

"I'm not sure if I'm final on them. I saw some other names that I like. Like Charlotte, Eloise, Sadie, Emily. I don't know Isabella and Felicity they just aren't sticking."I said thinking

"Emma and Gemma."Cameron said with a smirk

"I don't want them to be too matchy-matchy, and you know that. Although I do like those."I said smiling

"Madison and Mackenzie, Avery and Addison,Camila and Sadie, Hayleigh and Kayleigh."Cameron said as I stopped him

"Those names just don't come off the top of your head. Cameron Taylor have you been thinking about this?"I asked surprised

He nodded "Yeah. Those are my top 4."

"Madison and Addison. Madison and Mackenzie. Hayleigh and Kayleigh. Kayleigh and Baleigh." I said going through them "I like Madison and Mackenzie, cause you can get cute nicknames out of them. I'm also in love with Kayleigh and B- Riley is really pretty."

I smiled as Cameron gave the perfect name and I think we officially picked out the girls names.

"Okay next order of business."I said eating my salad "I need to fly back to Cali for nursery decorating."

"Okay we'll fly out tomorrow for two days. We'll miss a day of school, but your attendance is perfect. I can just get a doctors' excuse."Cameron said clicking away on his phone

I nodded "Peyton and I have $50,000 in savings from our parents. I can pull a little from it."

"No-no. Allow me, I haven't bought you anything. Please, the only thing you can buy is clothes." He said taking my hand and squeezing it

The next morning we flew out to California. We got there around 8 am as I unlocked the door the house. To hear a baby crying throughout the house. I looked over at Cameron who was just as surprised as me.

"Peyton!"I yelled climbing up the stairs to see Peyton in the nursery cradling a baby. She no longer had a big belly

"Meet Lacey."She said tiredly

I rushed into the room "Oh my gosh you had her."

"Yeah. 5 days ago, thought I'd surprise you guys. Liam went out to get diapers, wipes, and some blankets. I'm really tired, do you mind watching her for 30 minutes,max?" She said truly tired

"Yes Pey, go get some rest."I said picking up Lacey careful

"Thanks, so much Soph."She said leaving the nursery into her room

I sat in the chair rocking Lacey who now went back to sleep.It was so magical, just watching them sleep

"Wanna hold her?"I asked looking up at Cameron

He shook his head no, which made me slightly dissapointed. I got up carefully and put her in her crib. We carefully walked out the room closing the door quietly. As we walked down stairs, I saw Liam unpacking what he just bought from the store.

"She's asleep."I said grabbing my purse "Both of them."

"Hey,Sophia you're getting bigger by the second."He said with a smile

"I try."I said simply

"We're going to get paint and cribs. We should be back in a few hours."Cameron said opening the door

"Okay bye,drive safe."Liam said making a bottle

We walked out the house and got into our rental car. The drive to Babies R Us wasn't that long which was good to know, incase we needed quick trips.

Walking into Babies R Us was like mommy world at it's finest. I honestly felt a wave of excitement come over me, but it would probably fade away when I saw the total.

"I didn't show you, but their room color now is like a soft gray. We could save money on the paint and just do a soft gray and pink."I said as we walked to the cribs section

"Your call. You're at decorating." He said browsing the cribs

We picked out a beautiful white, iron looking, crib. With a soft pink bedding to match. I also picked out a gorgeous white dresser, a white glider,a pillow for the glider, lamps, white curtain, a rug, a foot rest, some bins, and photo frames I could put pictures of them in.

"Stroller,carseat,anything else?"Cameron asked

"I'm gonna go get those back home."I said looking at my list "Cribs check,room check basically. I don't wanna get too much. I just need room things right now."

"Okay,ready to check out?" Cameron asked pushing the baskets

"Yeah."I said as we headed to check out

The total wasn't as bad as I thought it would be, but still made me cringe. As soon as we got home, I watched Cameron put up the crib.

"Good work."I said with a wink hanging up the decoration as he put in the bedding

"Uh huh."He said tiredly

I stood back and looked at the finished room. I was in love and I was even more happy we paid for everything by ourselves.

"Looks good."Cameron said putting his hand on my back

"Very good."I said smiling as I felt the flutters of kicks

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