Chapter 15

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Sophia's POV

Cameron hasn't woken up in a week. This has been the post agonizing week of my life. No word could describe what I was feeling. School wasn't any better with people looking at me like I was the most disgusting creature that ever lived.

"Sophia. Sophia!"Ava said tapping me out of my thoughts

"What."I said silently

"What did you get on you calc quiz?"She asked

"A B."I said lowly

"Do you wanna go get something to eat?" She said standing with Chloe

"I can't. I have to go to therapy." I said closing my locker

"Why?"Chloe asked

"I feel helpless theres nothing I can do to make him better. It's been rough, I'll call you later or something."I said looking at them

"You're always blowing us off for him. Even when he's not even awake,damn. We were here for you before them." Chloe asked rolling her eyes

"You're fucking kidding me. I'm sorry, but my children are coming first now and their dad is apart of that. If you don't like what I'm doing then you can gladly walk out of my life, no one is holding a gun to your head. I don't care. I'm doing shit for me and my kids now."I said turning around to head towards the parking lot

I got in my car and banged my head against the wheel. Why me? I totally lied and said I had therapy. I was really going home to eat my weight in ice cream. The drive home was a time to listen to Lana del Rey and just think before my mom tried to get me out of bed.

"Sophia? Is that you?"My mom said as I entered the house

"Yes."I said heading towards the kitchen to get my ice cream

"Good day at school?" She asked from her office

"No, not a shock though."I said heading up the stairs for my room

I kicked off my shoes and laid on the couch. I turned to abc to watch Pretty Little Liars. The only thing that really kept my mind off of Cameron. Footsteps entered my room about 30 minutes in.

"Sophia?" My mom said holding the house phone "Someone's on the phone for you."

I hoped it was Cameron "Hello?" I said taking the phone away from her

"Hi Sophia."Cameron's mom said which made my heart almost sink

"Hi Mrs.Taylor."I said sitting up a bit

"How are you?"She asked with the sound of a machine beeping in the background

"Pushing through, bigger belly." I said quietly "How are you?"

"Living. That's what I wanted to talk to you about. Cam can have visitors now, so if you want to come. He's not up or anything, but he's just content you could say." She said getting straight to the point

"Can I come now?"I asked slipping my shoes on

"I don't see why not. Room 816 on the CICU floor."She said

"See you in about 15 minutes."I said getting off the couch

I carefully went down the stairs and grabbed my keys off of the coffee table.

"I'm going to visit Cam mom."I said leaving out the door

Going down the hallway of the hospital bought back all of the memories of me being here, and Cameron staying with me. I found the room and entered. I saw Cameron's mom sitting in a chair on her phone.

"Hi Soph."She said standing up

"I would hug you facing you instead of a side hug, but the twins aren't really allowing that."I said giving her a side hug

"When do you find out what they are?" She asked feeling my belly

"Next week, most likely. I didn't really wanna find out, but Cameron did. So I'll find out for him."I said slightly smiling

"Have they've been moving?"She asked looking up at me

"No not really." I said answering her back

"I'm gonna grab some dinner. I'll be back in a bit."She said leaving the room

I walked into see Cameron lying in the bed with a million tubes and wires on him. I couldn't help, but get teary eyed.

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