Chapter 16

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Sophia's POV (Lacey's nursery is the picture)

Two weeks without hearing your voice. Two weeks since I haven't seen your smile. Everyday turns into two week since. It's true when they say you don't miss someone until they're gone, even when they just won't simply wake up. I've been tossing and turning for the past two weeks. I've been trying not to think about it too much, as I don't want to harm the babies;it's hard not to though. Today was the first time in two weeks I would be going out to somewhere that wasn't school. I was out to California to Peyton and Liam set up the nursery 2. Shop for our new house that we recently got. My mom insisted that I go for a weekend get away, to get my mind off of things. The plane ride was anything, but relaxing. It just gave me more time to contemplate my life. As soon as I walked through the door it was almost breathtaking, that this place would be mine.

"Sophia? Is that you?" Peyton said coming down the stairs

"Woah you got way bigger than the last time I saw you."I said looking at Peyton who was now 35 weeks pregnant

"Yeah, little Lacey isn't that little anymore."She said laughing "Liam is upstairs painting her room. We can head to the furniture store."

"Okay, let me put down my things."I said walking a little more into the empty house. I put the one suitcase I bought and duffle bag down.

We got into Peyton's car and started driving to the furniture store.

"How have you've been holding up over these past 2 weeks?"Peyton asked keeping her eyes on the road

"Just been kind of just living. Actually not I've just been at school getting what I need to get done and at home moping around." I said telling the truth "Two long ass weeks. I keep hoping I'll get a call to tell me that he was woken up. No call."

"He's gonna wake up. Especially for those little babies."She said with a small smile

"Thanks. No one else thinks so." I said looking down

"So what colors do you wanna do your room?"Peyton asked still driving

"I think purple and gray. You?"I asked looking at her appreciating we were getting off the topic of Cameron

"I'm thinking a bluish with a pop of a neutral color."She said pulling into the furniture store "Something a little more grown up."

"I can understand."I said unbuckling my seatbelt getting out the car

"We can stop by target when we're done and get anything else we need." Peyton said as we walked into the store

We walked inside and there was a middle age man who greeted us inside the huge furniture store.

"Hi there!"He said standing up from his desk "What can I do for you today?"

"We just bought a new house and we need like furniture and appliances for everything. We live together and this is our first house ever."Peyton said shaking the man's hand

"Oh are you two um dating?"He asked strangely which made me wanted to laugh

"No, our boyfriends go to UCLA and we go to Stanford. Quite the distance, we're just roomies."Peyton said with a slight amusement

"Okay that makes sense. Let's start off with the living room, yeah?"He said leading us over to the living room

We walked to the section with millions of couches. By the end of the trip we had gotten everything we needed for the kitchen and living room. We just need to pick up a few necessities from Target and Peyton would be picking out her baby's furniture since she was due in 5 weeks.

"Hey L, can you meet us at target so we pick out Lacey's furniture. I'm not supposed to be doing heavy lifting and the furniture for the house is supposed to be delivered tomorrow, but I hired people to put it where I want it."Peyton said as she talked on the phone with Liam

We got the front spot in front of Target, we're just waiting for Peyton to finish her call.

"He's on his way, come on." Peyton said opening her door

I picked out the perfect details for my bedroom, we also got groceries, and everything else we needed to get for the house. Peyton would be moving in way before me, so it was better earlier than later. We walked over to the baby section wear Liam was waiting and was really surprised when we came back with 2 filled to the brim carts.

"I'm gonna go look around. Leave you two alone."I said winking, but really I couldn't bare watching a couple pick out things for their baby which I might never be able to do.

I looked at the clothes while Peyton and Liam looked at cribs. I picked out a pink bodysuit that had an cursive sparkly L on it, a pink footed onesie, cute little hat, and headband. I went over to the check out while Liam and Peyton weren't looking. An older women rang up the items while I took out my wallet.

"How far along are you?"She asked catching me off guard

"16 weeks and a day."I said looking up smiling

"$15.35 and you're pretty big for 16 weeks and a day."She said as I handed her money

" Oh I'm having twins."I said as I got my changed

"Oh my gosh congrats. Have fun when they come. They grow up quick." She said handing me my receipt

"Thanks so much."I said walking back to Liam and Peyton stuffing the bag in my purse

"So we're going to do her room pink,blue, and white. Well it's already painted, but still."Peyton said as Liam put a crib, bouncer, swing, decor, and some stuffed animals to the cart "Lacey already has a closet full of clothes and I'm jealous."

"Come on lets head home to get this set up."Liam said heading to check out

We all sat in Lacey's nursery which was decorate beautifully as we watched Liam set up the crib's bedding.

"Sophia wanna help me hang up her clothes?"Peyton asked

"Sure." I said getting the target bag out my purse "Here's her latest editions."

Peyton opened the bag and grabbed everything out "Oh my gosh these are so cute! Thanks Soph."

"No problem let's fold and hang."I said walking over to the closet as my phone rang I ignored it, because it was probably my mother who was checking on them for the 1000th time

But It wasn't like that at all

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