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I believe in soulmates. I believe that there are people out there who are exactly right for each other; there are 7 billion people who live in the world after all. But what I don't believe is that there is only one soulmate for everyone. That there is only one person in this world who could be right for you. That's just impossible. It's silly. 

Yes, I do believe in fate, of course I do, I believe that there aren't any sort of coincidences in this world, that everything happens for a reason. But I certainly do not believe that fate is strong enough to bring two people who are good for each other from one side of the world to another. I mean, yes, it can happen. But not to everyone. And what exactly are the chances that the love of your life actually lives in the same place you do? Slim to none. I just think that, people shouldn't get desperate about finding "the one" because there isn't just one for us. 

I believe that everyone could have as many soulmates as they wanted and could find while their life goes on, that everyone is the love of many people's lives. I do believe that we can all change someone's life, and that after us someone else will change it. Have you never been in love of someone who was in love with someone else? Of course you have, everyone has. Or not just someone who was in love with someone else, but with someone who didn't like you the same way? It happens; that's just life: a bitch. And it is probably going to happen to you again. Perhaps you're someone who thinks that they've found THE ONE and cannot let them go because they are the only one like that in the world. Relax. 

As I said before, there are 7 billion people in this world. You can be perfectly happy with tons of those people, have beautiful and memorable stories with lots of them, and you could fall in love with so so so many of Earth's population. I know that there are bad people. People who you'd never even think about being with, without crying or throwing up on them; I know that, I've met people like that. But there are so many out there, who are good. Who are kind. Who will care for you and love you like nobody else. There is always hope. Love is something so powerful. It is around all of us, constantly. 

There may be times in your life, when you feel alone. When you might think that no one is there for you how you'd like them to be. It's alright. First of all, you probably do have someone, just don't see it how it is. And second of all, even if it is true that you don't have anyone there for you, you will. Eventually. There are so many different people in the world, so many kinds of guys and girls with different views of life and who like different things. There is someone for everyone. And not just one. 

I just hate to see people worrying about whether they'll find the one or not. Just fall in love. Yes, you may get heartbroken. You may cry over some jerk who used you, or who simply didn't think you were good enough. Well whatever. Haven't you ever heard of someone marrying twice? It's because they found what they thought was the love of their life and then lost it. It's because they found another after they thought they had lost everything. Because love is everywhere. Love is a beautiful thing, and with so many wonderful people out there, how can you not recieve tons of it? 

I hope to fall in love. What the hell, I already am. And the person I am in love with is not the one for me. So? So I'll just get over it, fall in love again, fall out of love afterwards and enjoy life. Being single is not something people should worry about as much as they do. "I want a boyfriend" well yeah, almost everyone does, but when the time is right you will get what you deserve. Everything happens for a reason. Life has taught me to get over myself and live my life with one purpose: to be happy. I live to laugh. I live to smile. I live to make my friends happy, to love and be loved, to care for things and to do everything that I love to do. 

Of course there are bad days. There are always bad days. But the people who can turn those horrible days into wonderful ones are the people you should keep close to you. Those are real soulmates. I don't think a soulmate has to be someone who you have to spend the rest of your life with, or even someone who you have a romantic relationship with. What are best friends? Can't those be considered soulmates too? After all, you trust each other more than anyone, you consider each other family. If someone asked you :"Do you love your best friend?" What would you say? Well of course I do!  Isn't someone like that your other half? Someone who understand you better than anyone else? 

There are many people in this world who you can love, and many who can love you back. Stop for a minute, and look around to think about this: How many people would you consider to be your soulmate right now? How many out there, would you die for? Would you give your life for? How many people know you better than you know yourself? Maybe you have 10. Maybe none. Maybe there's only one for you. I don't know. All I know is you should never spend your time searching for them. The best people that you will have in your life, the one's that truly love you, are the ones that come into your life and choose to stay. Not those who you meet and think they're perfect for you and then leave. Not those who you have to keep trying to talk to even though they never talk to you, because you think they're the one. 

I'm talking about the ones who are always there, the ones who even though you don't actually realize it, deep down you know they will always have your back. Real soulmates stay because they want to. Just like some day, you will choose to stay by someone's side, through every good or bad thing that happens to them. You might not think the same thing I do, you obviously don't have to. But life, is something that just, as soon as it arrives, it's gone. Should we really waste our time worrying about our future? When we can simply be enjoying this moment, right now? 

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