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The first thing I remember is floating in a dark abyss, not knowing why or how I got here. Then there was this voice that would try and comfort me.

"Don't worry all will be revealed in time," it said.

I wondered what it was talking about, then there was this bright light that covered the abyss.

"Don't worry for you have great power that will show you the way," it said as I awoke from my sleep.

I opened my eyes and found myself in a room, that I've never seen before. I was lying in a bed next to a large open window. I looked outside amazed by my surroundings, it looked like I was in some sort of castle and I heard bells ringing across. It was beautiful, but then a voice interrupted my thoughts.

"Great you're awake," said a boy.

I turned around startled and raised the covers on my bed up to my face. The boy boy had blondish hair with blue eyes. He was wearing a jacket that was white on the right side and black on the left side. The collar of the jacket is red and pleated. Underneath this, he wears what appears to be a grey vest with a single button and several white, angular patterns on it. He was also wearing a third layer under this, in the form of a plain, high-necked, black shirt. He also has a chunk of dull green and blue armor on his midsection that appears to be under his vest, and another piece of armor on his left shoulder.

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to scare you," said the boy, "I'm Ventus, but you can call me Ven. What's your name?"

I said nothing, I didn't know this boy nor where I was. Until I find some answers, it was probably best to stay silent.

"Ven, let her breath first," said a girl who walked into the room with another boy.

The girl has blue eyes and her hair is blue and short. She wears a black and blue, high-collared halter top, two pink, intersecting belts over her chest, and black shorts. She wears an odd silver badge similar to badges also worn by the other boys. On Aqua's arms are white bell-sleeves and tan, fingerless gloves. She also wears a small, segmented piece of armor on each of her upper arms. She wears what appear to be black stockings or socks on her legs which reach to about halfway up her thighs, leaving a small area of bare skin on her upper thighs. The girl also bears two strips of blue cloth that drape over either side of her hips, along with a smaller, white strip of cloth tied around her waist, draped in the same manner. Finally, she wears pointed, armored, silver boots with a sharp "hook" on the outer side of each.

The other boy has brown hair that reaches to the base of his neck in the back and is styled into rather messy, vertical spikes and bangs that frame his face. He has blue eyes and slightly tanned skin. Like the other two, he wears two intersecting straps over his chest, though his red ones are rather different, dropping much lower down and almost resembling criss-crossed suspenders. The boy wore his gold badge on his belt. He wears a skintight, black, high-collared shirt, showing that he is rather muscular. Terra's pants bear a distinct feudal Japanese style; his belt is tied like an obi-sash and he wears hakama (traditional samurai pants distinguished by the large pleats). His hakama are dark grey near the top, with several loops for his belt and two buttons, both of which are undone. The rest of the pants are tan with a small, lighter stripe of tan on the bottom hem. Terra wears a plain black wristband on his right arm, while his left arm is significantly more armored. He also wears armor on one arm.

"Sorry Aqua," said Ventus, "I just got excited."

"Sorry about him," said the girl, "He can get a little carried away. My name's Aqua, you have already met Ven, and this is Terra."

I looked at Terra, but something about him made me tremble. I hid my face under the covers. Then I heard a new voice enter the room.

"It's quite alright my dear," said the voice which sounded like a man, "No one here will harm you."

I lifted the covers from my head and saw a man smiling at me. He wears a white, red lined haori that has a hood, along with slightly shorter than normal, light-colored hakama. Underneath his haori, he wears a navy blue shirt with a large white X pattern on the front. He also has jagged scars over his right eye and left cheek.

"My name is Master Eraqus," said the man, "I found you unconscious on our doorstep, so I took you in for medical attention. Can you tell me how you got here? I've never seen you around here before."

I thought for a moment, but I couldn't remember a thing. Only that dark abyss and that voice telling me not to worry. I shook my head and Master Eraqus just smiled.

"That's ok my dear," he said, "Maybe it will come to you in time. I don't think you are a bad person. Your soul feels pure and full of light. For now, you can stay here as long as you like."

"If you're going to stay here, we need to know what to call you," said Ventus, "How about.....Hao?"

"Hao?" asked Terra.

"Yeah! Hao short for Haos meaning light," said Ventus, "So what do you say?"

I nodded, still unsure about this whole situation, but I guess hanging out with these guys for a while wouldn't hurt.

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