Yen Sid

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I arrived at a mysterious tower, with stars and moons carved into it. I walked up to the steps and saw two creatures sitting there looking worried.

"I hope the king's ok," said the taller one.

"Don't worry," said the smaller one standing up, "The King's going to be fine."

"But it still would be nice to know where he is," said the taller one.

"Um, excuse me?" I say shyly which apparently scared the smaller one.

"Ahhhhhhhh!" he screamed making me scared and I hid behind one of the nearby tree's, "What's the big idea!?"

"I'm..I'm sorry," I said, "I didn't mean to scare you."

"Aw it's ok," said the tall one, "I'm Goofy and this here is Donald."

"Deli," I said.

"Well, Deli what brings you here?" asked Goofy.

"I'm looking for Master Yen Sid," I said slowly coming out from behind the tree.

"Then you've come to the right place," said Donald, "This is the home of the Great Master Yen Sid."

"Come on we'll escort you to him," said Goofy.

I smiled, "Thank you."

We arrived at the top of the tower and sitting at the desk in the middle of the room, was a man with a long blue robe. He wore a tall pointed hat with stars and moons on it. He also had a long gray beard.

Goofy and Donald both bowed to him, I also bowed seeing how it was the polite thing to do.

"Master Yen Sid," said Donald, "Someone has come to see you."

"Ah yes Deli, one of Master Eraqus's pupils, welcome," greeted Master Yen Sid.

"The pleasure is all mine," I said.

"What brings you here my dear?" Master Yen Sid asked.

"I was actually hoping you could shed light on some things Master," I explain, "So much has happened, and I'm not sure what's going on exactly. Then something told me to find you."

"I see," said Master Yen Sid, he paused for a while then continued, "You are already aware of the creatures known as the Unversed. Master eraqus has instructed Terra and Aqua to eliminate the source, but to also find Master Xehanort. And a boy in a mask is some how able to control the Unversed. For what you don't know, it has turned into something much bigger than that."

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"I don't have any clear answers yet," said Master Yen Sid, "But that is not the only question you have is it?"

I felt as if he could read me like a book, he was right there was something else nagging me.

"Master, who am I exactly," I asked, "That boy in the mask, called me a fake. Said I wasn't really a Keyblade wielder. Was I not supposed to have the Keyblade? Why is it that he and other seem to know things about me that I don't."

"Deli, these are things you must discover on your own," said Master Yen Sid, "Telling you everything now will not change anything."

"I figured as much," I said disappointed.

"However there is a place that could give you some answers," said Master Yen Sid.

"Really?!" I said excited, "Where?"

"Go to the world known as Radiant Garden," said Master Yen Sid, "There is a man named Ansem the Wise, he might be able to help."

I bowed again, "Thank you Master!"

"Deli," said Master Yen Sid before I ran out the door.

"Yes?" I asked.

"If you happen to come across someone named Mickey, please bring him back safely," said Master Yen Sid.

"Of course," I said, "If I find him, I will bring him back here."

I ran out excited that I might find something about my past.

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