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In my dream, I was in the black abyss again, but I was standing on a glass plate. It was green with a princess of some sort on it. She had black hair and her eyes were closed.

So much to do, so little time....Take your time. Don't be afraid. The door is still shut.

"What door?" I thought.

Now, step forward. Can you do it?

I slowly stepped forward to the center of the glass plate. Then suddenly three pedestals appeared around me.

Power sleeps within you. If you give it form...It will give you strength. Choose well.

On each of the pedestals there was a weapon, a sword, wand, and shield. I walked up to the wand, then I heard the voice again.

The power of the mystic. Inner strength. A staff of wonder and ruin. Is this the power you seek?

I jumped away frightened, then I realized that I would have to pick one of these to proceed any further. Then I walked over to the shield.

The power of the guardian. Kindness to aid friends. A shield to repel all. Is this the power you seek?

I thought of Ven, Terra, and Aqua, my new friends. I want to help them, so I grabbed the shield. The shield vanished and the voice spoke again.

Your path is set. Now, what will you give up in exchange?

I walked over to the sword.

The power of the warrior. Invincible courage. A sword of terrible destruction. Will you give up this power?

I don't want destruction so I touched the sword again. It disappeared and then the floor collapsed beneath my feet and I fell into the abyss.

I awoke to the sound of the bells at the top of the castle. Startled I looked around the room, that Master Eraqus had given me.

"Just a dream," I whispered.

I got up and changed into some new clothes. I put on a white T-shirt and some yellow pants. I also put a yellow ribbon in my hair and walked out the door. Ven was waiting for me outside my door.

"You ready?" asked Ven.

"Yup," I said.

He took me to the front courtyard, where Aqua and Terra were waiting for us. I sat down at one of the nearby benches, wondering what exactly was a keyblade.

"Let's do a three way battle," said Ven.

"What?" asked Aqua and Terra in semi-unison.

"You sure about this?" asked Terra.

"Yeah!" said Ven.

"Alright then," said Aqua summoning her keyblade.

"Hope you're not doing this to show off," said Terra summoning his keyblade.

"Course not," said Ven summoning his keyblade.

Aqua's keyblade blade is thin and predominantly a dull, metallic blue color. There is a teardrop-shaped gap in the base and near the tip of the blade's shaft. The head of the Keyblade is roughly diamond-shaped, though the left corner of the diamond is absent and there is another, small, white diamond on the inner edge of the right corner. The teeth are formed by four blue spikes lining the outer edge of the Keyblade's head. The handle is smooth and black. The guard is angular, predominantly white, and does not fully connect to the Keyblade. The Keychain links and its token are all made up of water droplets.

Terra's keyblade has a textured, dark brown color, with brass edges. The teeth are made of two pick-like points, with two hammer-like protrusions on the opposite side. The guard is an off-blue color, and seems to be crafted from two Omega insignias (Ω). The pommel is a dark blue cone. The Keychain token is a reddish rock fragment with brass armor-like plating.

Ven's Keyblade is designed to be easily wielded in reverse. The black handle is offset from the Keyblade as opposed to being aligned with it, and the guard is equally misaligned. The guard is a dull gold color and joins with the shaft of the Keyblade to fully enclose the handle. The shaft is grey, thin, and has a very slight curve outward. There are three thin, dull gold lines that decorate the middle of the shaft. Two short bars connect the main blade to the teeth. It's teeth are grey like the blade and have a wing-like shape. They are comprised by five curved bars that decrease in size the lower they are on the Keyblade. The Keychain token is a green gem with two silver feathers spiraling around it.

Ven turned to me holding his keyblade in front of him, " This is my Keyblade, Wayward Wind."

Aqua walked over and said, "Mine is called Rainfell."

Terra getting a little impatient walked over to me and said, "This is Earthshaker."

"We use these to help protect people against the dark," said Aqua.

"Someday we'll become Keyblade Masters like Master Eraqus," said Ven.

"Cool!" I said amazed, "Could I become one too?"

"Fraid it's not that easy," said Terra.

"Only those chosen by the Keyblade can wield one," said Master Eraqus joining the conversation, "Alright it's time to begin your practice."

Aqua, Terra, and Ven nodded and they began practicing. I was amazed by each and every strike and attack they made. Master Eraqus took a seat next to me and smiled.

"They are magnificent aren't they," said Master Eraqus as he turned to me, "I'm sorry they got your hopes up like that. There are few Keyblade wielders left, I'm afraid the chances of becoming one are low now."

"Oh," I said disappointed.

"Alright Students," said Master Eraqus, "Aqua and Ventus, I want you two spar while I train with Terra."

Aqua and Ven nodded and began to spar with each other. I watched Ven and Aqua and thought how lucky they are to have a keyblade. Suddenly I felt something, something dark, I turned my head to where Terra and Master Eraqus were and saw a ball of darkness approaching me.

"Hao!" screamed Ven.

I put my hands up in front of me and closed my eyes, then I felt something in my hands. When I opened my eyes, I saw a blade of some kind in my hands. The blade was in the shape of a key, the hilt was in the shape of a circle with a star inside of it and the keychain was a star of light.

"Hao, are you ok?" asked Ven.

"I think so," I said.

"That's a relief," said Aqua, "Deli, how did you summon a keyblade?"

I looked at the blade in my hands, so unsure.

"So it appears that Deli is one of the Keyblade's chosen," said Master Eraqus.

"Really!?" said Ven cheerfully, "This is great Hao! Now we can train together!"

"If that's what she wants," said Eraqus.

I didn't stop to think about it, and nodded.

"Alright then we shall being," smiled Eraqus.

"Alright!" said Ven.

That was the first time I ever saw a keyblade. Little did I know, that this was the start of something much more.

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