The Beginning of the End

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Many days had past since then, I was now training under Master Eraqus with my friends. I wasn't the strongest of the group, but I had my own kind of skill. Aqua had her magic, Terra had his strength, Ven had his speed, and I had my defence. With my keyblade in hand I could defend against almost anything. My clothes had also changed, my shirt was a long sleeved yellow shirt with fingerless gloves attached. I also had on black jeans, my shoes were slightly covered in my armor as was my chest. The circle part of my chest was how I could summon my armor and it was a white color. I also decided that it was best to keep my long hair up in a ponytail so it wouldn't get in the way of my fighting.

One night, I found myself looking out my window. Tomorrow Aqua and Terra are having their Mark of Mastery Exam, to see if they are worthy to become Keyblade Masters. Ven and I are going to be there and watch them become Masters. I'm really excited, to see them succeed. Even so, I don't understand why my memories had not returned. How much longer will it take to remember? Or....Will I even remember at all?

I got up from my bed and thought it might help if I took a walk around the castle. During my walk, I decided to go to the place Ven showed me when I arrived. When I got there, I saw Aqua, Ven, and Terra talking about the stars.

"That every star up there is another world," said Terra, "Yep hard to believe there are so many worlds out there besides our own."

"Maybe one of these stars is where I come from?" I think aloud.

"Oh Deli I didn't see you there," said Aqua making me jump a little.

"I'm sorry I disturbed you," I said bashfully, "I'll just go back to..."

"It's ok Hao," said Ven, "Come on, you know you're always welcome here."

As I came over to sit down by Ven, Terra continued, "The light is their hearts, and it's shining down on us like a million lanterns."

"What?" asked Ven, "I don't get it."

"In other words they're just like you Ven," said Terra.

"What does that mean?" asked Ven walking over to Terra.

"You'll find out someday I'm sure," said Terra.

"I want to know now!" demanded Ven.

"You're too young to know now!" said Terra, as Aqua and I laughed, "Hey what are you two laughing at?"

Terra startles me and I remain silent, Aqua put her hand on my shoulder saying that it was alright.

"We can't help it," said Aqua, "You two would make the weirdest brothers."

Aqua started to laugh again with Ven and Terra, I joined in again after a while. It was days like these that made me truly happy. It was times like these that I didn't care where I came from or if I could remember. Looking up at that sky with my friends is all I want

"Oh yeah!" said Aqua standing up, "Terra you and I have our Mark of Mastery Exams tomorrow. I made us good luck charms."

Aqua held four star like charms two in each hand, Terra was given the brownish yellow one. She then tossed the greenish one to Ven.

"I get one too?" he asked.

"Of course one for each of us," said Aqua holding out the blue one.

As I stood up, Aqua gave me one as well, "Here Deli."

I smiled and stared at the charm with amazement, It was a light yellow near the edges and white near the center. It was beautiful!

"Somewhere out there, there's this tree with star-shaped fruit and the fruit represents an unbreakable connection," said Aqua, "So as long as you and your friends carry good luck charms shaped like it, nothing can ever drive you apart. You'll always find your way back to each other."

I stared at the good luck charm thinking to myself, "Wow, this charm can do all that?!"

"Technically, I think you're supposed to make them with seashells, but I did the best with what I had," said Aqua.

"Oy, sometimes you are such a girl," said Terra.

"Hey! What do you mean 'sometimes'?" asked Aqua.

I laughed, until Ven asked, "So this isn't a real good luck charm?"

"Well that's yet to be seen," said Aqua, "But I did work a little magic on it."

"Really? What?" asked Ven.

"An unbreakable connection," said Aqua lifting her charm to the sky.

I looked at my charm and thought to myself, "Maybe I'll never remember who I was or where I came from, but I know this. I have friends and a home here, I don't want to lose this. Who knows what would have become of me, if they never found me. I'll take this as a promise. I will never let anything bad happen to my friends. I know I'm not the strongest or the bravest, but I don't want to lose them."

Aqua put her hand on my shoulder, making me jump. She smiled and said, "Together...always."

I nodded and we both left to join Terra and Ven heading back to the castle. I didn't know it then, but that would be the last night we ever spent beneath the same stars.

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