The End?

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"Where am I?" I asked as I felt myself floating in the abysis I had started my life in, "Is this the end?"

"You're passing into the world of the fallen," said the faniliar voice.

"So this is the end," I said understanding.

"You did well Deli," said the voice.

"I did?" I asked.

"You stood for what you believed in and never left your friends side," explained the voice, "And ultimately created your own heart."

"A heart?" I asked, "I made my own?"

"Yes," replied the voice, "Because of the time spent with your friends and others on your journey, you were able to develop a heart of your own."

"My friends," I smiled, "What happened to my friends did they make it?"

"Terra has become Xehanorts new vessal," started Kingdom Hearts, "Aqua was trapped in the Realm of Darkness, trying to save him. Ventus formed with Vanitas to forge the x-blade."

"So, I failed," I said crying, "Everything still happened! I failed my friends!"

"But thanks to you," continued the voice, "They still have chance. Terra's still fight to gain control of his body. Aqua continues to search for a way out of the Realm of Darkness. Ventus was able to fight back Vanitas, but is now trying to repair his broken heart. You helped them stay strong."

"How?" I asked.

"In that last show of power with your fight with Vanitas," explained the voice, "You released small fragments of light to the ones you were thinking of. Terra is still able to fight because of that small light, Aqua can search for an escape without being hurt in the Realm of Darkness, and Ventus was able to overpower Vanitas thanks to your light."

"I did all that?" I asked realising I had done more than I knew, "But there has to be something else I can do for them!"

"....There is one way," admitted the voice, "Since you have made your own heart, your heart can be separated into two. One of light and one of darkness. However only one will carry your ambition, while the other will try to destroy it. These two beings will fight one day, and depending on the winner will determine the outcome of the bigger battle yet to come."

"Then do it," I said, "Even if it's just one, as long as they can help my friends. I'll do whatever it takes to protect them even as I fade from exsistance."

"Very well," said the voice.

"Thank you," I said, "Ven...Aqua...Terra...Looks like I'm at the end my journey. Goodbye my friends."

Deli Of Kingdom HeartsWhere stories live. Discover now