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My next world had a fun loving appeal to it. The towns atmosphere seemed to be bursting with joy, making me smile. There were signs everywhere that read Dreams Festival.

"Wow! This place is amazing!" I said then pulled out the lifetime pass to Disneytown from Ven, "Ven."

"Oh yeah, lifetime passes to Disneytown," said Ven handing the three of us tickets, "He said to take two grown-ups and a best friend."

"You mean us?" asked Aqua, as she looked at us then we all smiled and laughed.

"I wish you guys were here with me," I thought aloud.

"Help!" someone screamed.

I looked around and saw a cow-like person running away from Unversed.

"Someone, please help!" she cried, then one of the Unversed leaped for her.

"No you don't!" I yelled blocking the attack with my keyblade.

"Go get to safety!" I told the cow lady, "I'll take care of them!"

The Unversed surrounded me, but they didn't make a move towards me. Both the Unversed and I waited for one of them to make a move. Suddenly I senced one of the Unversed coming at me from behind. Quickly I blocked the attack, as the Unversed clinged to my Keyblade, I senced two other Unversed coming to attack. I swung my Keyblade around with the Unversed still hanging on to knock the other two away, making the three of them disappear. Even though I continued to destroy the Unversed they just kept coming!

"I have to end this now!" I thought.

I pointed my Keyblade to the ground and closed my eyes. Trying to gather as much energy as I could. Then I pointed my Keyblade into the air and yelled, "BY THE POWER OF LIGHT!"

A large beam of light was shot from the tip of my Keyblade into the air and then split into many pieces. The pieces then came crashing to the ground destroying all the Unversed in the area. Once I checked to see if they were gone. I looked for the cow lady. She was over by the towns stage with two chipmunks and a horseman.

"Are you alright mam?" I asked getting everyones attention.

"Hey your the one who took care of those monsters and saved Clarabell!" said the red nosed chipmunk.

"You did?" asked a squeaky voice from behind.

I turned around to see a duck lady and a mouse lady dressed in royal garmets coming towards us.

"Yeah she was as good as Aqua, Terra, and Ventus!" confirmed the black nosed chipmunk.

"Wait, how do you know my friends?" I asked, "Are they here?"

"I'm afraid they aren't," said the mouse, "Please forgive me we haven't been introduced. My name is Queen Minnie."

"A Queen?" I said embarrased immediately bowing, "I'm sorry your Majesty. My name is Deli."

It's a pleasure to meet you Deli," said the Queen then turned her attention to Clarabell, "What's the matter Clarabell? Were you hurt?"

Clarabell shakes her head then looks sadly to the horse, "She's not hurt your Majesty, but those monsters gave her such a fright that I'm afraid she's lost her voice. Which means she can't perform for the talent show."

"Oh no, and you had practised so hard for this," said Queen Minnie.

"Is there something I could do to help?" I asked standing up.
"Wait..you want me to....to...to sing?" I asked blushing.

"We need someone to sing for the show and none of us can sing as well as Clarabell," explained the horse.

"Al-alright, I'll do my best," I slowly nodded still blushing, "What did I get myself into?"

After a bit of preparation, we were ready to begin the show.

"And now for our final performance, Deli!" annouced the Queen as I walked onto the stage.

I took a deep breath and closed my eyes, "Here we go."

In you and I there's a new land,
Angels in flight
My sanctuary, my sanctuary, yeah
Where fears and lies melt away
Music will tie
What's left of me
What's left of me, now

I watch you fast asleep,
All I fear means nothing.

In you and I there's a new land,
Angels in flight
My sanctuary, my sanctuary, yeah
Where fears and lies melt away
Music will tie
What's left of me
What's left of me

You show me how to see
that nothing is whole and nothing is broken

In you and I there's a new land,
Angels in flight
My sanctuary, my sanctuary, yeah
Where fears and lies melt away
Music will tie
What's left of me
What's left of me, now

My fears, my lies
Melt away.....

"I haven't sung like this since the first time I sung for my friends," I thought as the memory came back to me.

In you and I there's a new land,
Angels in flight
My sanctuary, my sanctuary, yeah
Where fears and lies melt away
Music will tie
What's left of me
What's left of me, now

I sang looking at the stars at our usual place. I had arrived early and decided to sing while I waited for my friends to arrive.

"Hao?" asked Ven coming up from behind.

"Ven!" I shouted blushing nervously, "I..uh..I didn't expect you to get here yet."

"I finsihed training early," explained Ven, "Was that you singing just now?"

I blushed even more and nodded, "I'm...sorry if..if it bothered you."

"You kidding me?!" he said, "It was beautiful Hao. I had no idea you could sing like that. You should sing to Aqua and Terra and I bet they'll say the same thing."

"What!?" I shouted then quited myself, "I...I can't."

"Why not?" asked Ven.

I can't sing in front of others," I confessed, "I just...just get too nervous."

"Don't worry," comforted Ven, placing his hand on my shoulder, "I'll be right here. Terra and Aqua will think the same thing I do. I just know it."

"Ok," I nodded.

When they arrived Ven had me sing for them and true enough they loved it. I don't think I could have done it without Ven being there, right by my side.

As my song ended, the crowd applaused and cheered for my performance. I bowed then looked towards the sky.

"Ven I wish you were here. To tell me not to worry," I thought pulling out my wayfinder.

"Don't worry, I'll be right here," Ven's voice echoed in my memories.

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