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I landed in a dark and gloomy castle, hoping to find my friends here, but I had my doubts.

"I'm starting to get the feeling that Ven wouldn't be in a place like this," I thought aloud then a shiver ran down my spine, "Darkness. It's everywhere. I should probably go."

"Why hello my dear," said a voice.

I whipped around and saw a woman holding a staff of some kind. She had unusual green skin and her head is topped with a black-horned headdress. She wears a long, tattered black robe with a purple trim and maroon flare edges.

"Who..Who are you?" I ask in fear for darkness covered her.

"Why I am Maleficent, ruler of this castle," said the woman coming closer.

"Stay back," I said jumping away from Maleficent.

Then a bright light soared through the room and left the castle. Maleficent seemed very irritated after seeing that light.

"Someone has released Aurora's heart. Tell me child was it you?" asked Maleficent.

"What are you talking about?" I asked then realized she wasn't talking to me.

Maleficent turned around and I saw Ven with three fairies, each a different color, blue, green, and red.

"Ven!" I yelled as I bolted to him.

"Hao?" Ven said after I hid behind him then refocused on Maleficent, "Only cause you stole it in the first place!"

Ven pulled out his keyblade and charged straight for Maleficent.

"Ven wait!" I screamed.

Ven tried to hit her, but she vanished. I ran for Ven, then helped him look around for Maleficent. I spotted her in a higher spot in the room.

I pulled out my keyblade and tried to be brave, "You better leave him alone."

"A keyblade... You must be Ventus and Deli," said Maleficent.

"Huh? How do you know about us and the keyblade?" asked Ven.

"My powers ensure I'd know of the key to bring me hearts," explained Maleficent, "Terra gave me a demonstration."

"Terra? He was here?" asked Ven.

"Why yes. In fact, it was he who stole Princess's Aurora's heart," said Maleficent.

"That's a lie!" yelled Ven and I preparing to fight.

"I was asked to leave you unharmed," said Maleficent, "But it seems I have no choice!"

The three fairies transformed into balls of light and circled us. Maleficent appeared in right between us, making us separate. She then began to charge up power for a spell to use against me.

"Let's take care of you first!" she yelled.

Then with the fairies help Ven was able to put Maleficent in some kind of sleep.

"Deli!" yelled Ven.

"Let's do it!" I said back.

Ven struck Maleficent toward me and I struck her into the air. Ven then leaped above Maleficent and hit her hard against the ground. Maleficent awoke and moved to a corner of the room. She transformed herself into some kind of spiral force of darkness and was charging for Ven. I quickly got in between them and used every ounce of strength I had to stop her from getting close to Ven.

"Get ready!" I told Ven.

"Got it!" he said.

With the last bit of my strength, I push the spiral away and scream out, "Light!"

A bright light covered the room and Maleficent had changed back into her normal form. Still stunned by her forced transformation, she didn't notice Ven behind her until it was too late. Ven hit her sending her across the room into a wall. Maleficent teleported to original stop in the room exhausted from the battle.

"There's no way Terra would hurt someone like that!" said Ven.

"You don't believe me?" said Maleficent, "That's unfortunate, for he agreed so easily."

"He did?" asked Ven.

"No, Terra would never!" I thought to myself.

"Ven! Deli! Don't be fooled!" yelled a familiar voice.

We turned and saw our friend Aqua running toward us keyblade in hand.

"Terra would never do that," she said, "You know that as well as I do."

"Ahh..The truth can be most cruel, even amongst the closest of friends," said Maleficent, "After all, one never knows the secrets of another's heart. I'm sure you'll agree Ventus...Aqua...Deli."

"That doesn't mean a thing!" I said, "Just because we don't know their secrets doesn't mean they aren't our friends! Terra would have never agreed to help you!"

"Ah, that's right you're the purest one of your friends," said Maleficent, "But that's no surprise considering who you are."

I wanted to ask her what she knew, then Aqua decided to focus on Ven and I.

"The Master sent me," she said, "Ven..Deli..Let's go home."

"But Terra.." argued Ven.

"Terra's not ready to leave yet," said Aqua.

"Sorry Aqua," said Ven, "But I can't go with you."

"What?" asked Aqua.

"It's just..I have to find him before it's too late!" Ven said as he darted out of the castle.

"Wait Ven!" I yelled running after him.

I ran as fast as I could to catch up with him, but when I did he was already flying away.

"Ven....." I thought, "Who I am exactly? That boy in the mask and Maleficent seem to know something. Why is it that everyone except me knows what's going on!?"

Then I heard a voice that I had not heard in a long time, "Yen Sid."

"What?" I said startled.

"Seek out Master Yen Sid," said the voice, "He will lead you on your path."

"My path?" I asked, "What do you mean?"

Silence was my answer, I was a little frustrated at first, then after a while calmed down.

"I guess it wouldn't hurt to see Master Yen Sid," I said, "Maybe I can get an idea of what is going on."

Deli Of Kingdom HeartsWhere stories live. Discover now