Radiant Garden

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I finally arrived at Radiant Garden, at first I was only amazed by the scenery. Flowers were everywhere, everything was so nice and clean. It took me awhile to remind myself why I was here, to find Ansem the Wise.

"I warned you to stay out of this!" yelled a voice suddenly.

"Behind you!" said the voice.

I summoned my Keyblade and turned around and blocked what looked like another Keyblade. The blade's teeth and head are black with a red outline and possesses a round, cog-like shape. The handle is red and the guard has the same coloration and cog-like shape as the teeth. The shaft is predominantly colored in shades of grey and sports a copper-colored gear in the center, with two intersecting, black chains wrapped around it. Two more chains are wrapped around the base of the shaft in a similar fashion. It also has eyes of darkness; one located in the head of the blade and one embedded in the hilt. It's Keychain is comprised of three small, copper gears and ends in a charm resembling two halves of a gear arranged in an S-shape. The one wielding this Keyblade was the boy in the mask from before.

"You.." I said pushing him away, "What do you want?"

"Ah it's simple really," said the boy, "You're getting in my way, so you need to be taken care of. Which shouldn't take too long."

"I'm not..afraid of you," I yelled, but in all honesty I was scared for my life.

"You talk tough now, but we both know how you really feel," said the boy, "So I'll tell you once again, leave now or die!"

"You're going to hurt my friends aren't you!" I yelled gripping my keyblade.

The boy just laughed, "So I'll take that as a no then."

I ran up to him as fast as I could to strike, but the boy moved to the side dodging the attack. As I went past him, the boy used the back of the keyblade to slam me against the ground.

"Pathetic," said the boy standing over me.

I smiled and used my legs to knock him to the floor. I quickly stood up and tried to hit him with my keyblade, but the boy blocked it using his keyblade. The boy then released some kind of darkness into his keyblade to push me away. I used my keyblade to block most of the darkness.

"Light!" I thought and a bright light blocked the rest of the blow.

In the cover of the light, I ran over to the boy and managed to land a couple hits on him. Then I noticed something weird about the boy, he was suspended in one spot.

"Above you!" yelled the voice.

I looked up and saw the boy about to strike from a portal of darkness. I quickly managed to get out of the way before the boy could hit me.

"I'm ending this," said the boy as a large amount of darkness started to form at the tip of his keyblade.

"Light please help me," I begged as a large amount of light formed at the tip of my keyblade.

Then both the boy's energy and mine fired itself at each other. The wave of impact sent us both flying backwards. The impact, made my ears ring, and I passed out.

When I opened my eyes, I found myself in the abyss again.

"You must stop him," said the voice, "You must defeat him."

"How?" I asked, "How can I defeat someone like him? His darkness..it's too strong!"

"You must defeat him using your power or your friends....will not survive," said the voice.

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