Castle of Dreams

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I arrived at my first destination, but when I arrived my glider and armor disappeared. I found myself falling, I cringed expecting impact, but I was caught by something.

"Are you alright?" asked a voice.

I opened my eyes, and saw a man had me in his arms. I blushed and hid my face away.

"I'm...I'm...I'm sorry, I troubled you," I said.

"Your highness!" yelled another man who had a spectacle in his eye, "Are you alright sir?"

"I'm quite alright," said the guy who caught me.

"So.. you''re...a prince?" I asked.

"Yes, I am," said the Prince, "And who are you?"

"I'm...Deli," I said.

"Well then Deli, are you here for the ball?" the Prince.

"Ball?" I ask.

"Yes, the King has invited the whole kingdom to this ball," said the other man, "And it seems that other guests are arriving."

I looked and saw other people entering the ballroom, most notably three women, one had a green dress, the other a pink dress, and the older one had a purple dress.

"Oh, sorry no," I said, "I'm not here for the ball. I'm looking for my friends, Ventus, Aqua, and Terra."

"No," said the Prince, "I'm afraid I haven't seen anyone by those names."

"Nor have I," said the other man.

"Oh," I said disappointed.

"Don't be sad. They might turn up at the ball," said the Prince, "Please stay, just for the ball."

I was going to say no, but something told me to stick around. I nodded and moved to a corner of the room, waiting for someone recognizable to appear. The two girls in the green and pink dresses were fawning over the Prince, like he was a god or something. It got kinda annoying, even the Prince seem to think so too. Then a women who had a beautiful white blueish dress, entered the ballroom with my friend Terra accompanying her. The Prince noticed the girl right away. I stared at her for a moment, something about her drew my attention.

"Light!" I thought, "She's full of light."

Then a small scent of darkness crept in, almost like the darkness of that boy I saw. I looked around and saw some blue creatures up in the balcony. I looked for Terra, but he was already on his way to the balcony. I darted after him, if it involves that boy's darkness then I need to help. The closer I got to Terra's position, I heard an eerie tune. When I arrived Terra was getting trapped by the huge creatures song.

The creature resembles a marching band conductor. It wears a light red coat with black cuffs, a high, black collar, two black M-shaped patterns on its chest, white pauldrons with gold tassels on its shoulders, and a gold trim. Its pants are white, very baggy, and have several creases on them. It has white gloves with black fingertips and knee-high, black boots with slightly curled toes. It also wears a tall, light red shako with a black feather-like decoration on it and a gold trim. It's black head has grey horns shaped like musical notes on its sides a relatively large spike on the back of its head.

I summoned my Keyblade and used my power of light to shield Terra. With the shield in place for only a few seconds, I was able to grab Terra and jumped down into the ballroom.

"You ok?" I asked.

"Deli?" asked Terra, "What are you doing here?"

" see...I.." I stuttered.

"Nevermind," he said, "Tell me when we've finished with the Unversed."

"Unversed?" I asked.

"I'll explain when he's down," said Terra, "For now get someplace safe."

I paused for a moment, "I...I want to fight too."

"You sure?" Terra asked as I pointed my Keyblade at the Unversed.

"Yeah," I said.

"Ok," he said.

The Unversed was still looking around for Terra up in the balcony, until Terra yelled, "Hey down here!"

The Unversed turned around and prepared to fight.

"Deli, if you can block those instruments of it's, while I attack the source it should be over in no time," said Terra, "You follow."

"Got it," I said.

The two of us ran straight for the Unversed. The Unversed used it's horn to attack first. I ran ahead and blocked the sound before it could hit Terra. Terra leaped over me and smacked the horn away using his Keyblade. Terra then was focused on the Unversed, he kept smacking away at it. It looked like it was going to be over in no time, then the Unversed's drum and violin moved to attack Terra.

"Stopga!" I yelled as the spell froze the two instruments in air.

Terra realizing that I had stopped them smiled, "Thanks!"

"Ugh! Just hurry!" I said trying to hold the spell, "I can't hold the...spell forever!"

"Right!" he yelled as he delivered the finishing blow to the Unversed.

When Terra stuck the Unversed, if vanished along with it's instruments. Relieved I didn't have to hold the spell any longer, I sat down on the floor.

Terra laughed at me, "Worn out already?"

Terra helped me up, "So what exactly are you doing here Deli?"

"I wanted to make sure you guys are alright," I said, "What was that thing we just fought?"

"It's called an Unversed," explained Terra, "They're creatures that feed on negativity. The Master wants us to put a stop to them and find Master Xehanort."

"Thank you," said the spectacle guy, "You saved us all. The guests were just starting to enjoy themselves."

"Well don't give up just yet," said Terra directing his attention to the Prince and the girl filled with light.

The two seemed very close with one another, it made me smile.

"Tell me something," said Terra to the spectacle guy, "Have you always had a problem around here with those monsters?"

"No, I believe they began to appear shortly after a boy in a mask arrived in our kingdom," said the spectacle guy, "Those that saw him said the monsters obeyed his every command."

"A boy in a mask?" questioned Terra.

"Could it be that same boy from before?" I thought.

"Do you know where he is now?" asked Terra.

"Well, no. I don't believe anyone has seen him since then," said spectacle guy.

"I see," said Terra

Then a bell rang through the castle, and the girl filled with light ran out saying goodbye to the prince.

"Deli," said Terra.

"Yes?" I answered.

"I think you should head back," said Terra.

"But why?" I asked.

"You wanted to see if we were alright, didn't you?" said Terra, "We're fine. It's not safe for you here."

"But Terra...I," I tried to argue, but Terra put his hand on my shoulder.

"Don't worry we'll be back before you know it," after he said that he left.

"Maybe...I should head back...but Ven is still out there somewhere," I thought, "And that boy in the mask...Is he the cause of these Unversed? I have to find out!"

I then prepared my armor and glider and went to see what world I would land in next.

Deli Of Kingdom HeartsWhere stories live. Discover now