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After saying farwell to Queen Minnie and the others, I found myself wandering in the spaces between worlds.

"Where do I go now?" I thought.

Suddenly a red siren sounding ship came from behind knocking my glider out of balence. My glider then was spining out of control towards a new world. When I arrived in the world, my glider was pumunting towards an ocean that had appeared.

"Not good," I said trying to stop my glider, "Pull up! Pull up!!"

Just in time I was able to pull up avoiding the ocean.

"That was close," I said relieved, "So now where am I?"

Then I smelt something foul, like a mix of fish and smoke. That's when I noticed plates of fish heads floating in the ocean.

"What could have done this?" I said when my thought's were interupted by a bell.

"COME AND GET IT!!" yelled a voice as the bell rang, "GET YOUR FREASH HOT WIENNY!!"

I looked and saw a man like creature waving around a giant worm, standing on top of a giant peach. That had a spiral steps made out of a fence around it. They looked like they were trying to catch the attention of the seagulls. Right as the seagulls got close enough to the peach, the man and the worm jumped into the peach and a net was thrown, which captured the flock. That's when the same creature and another man like creature used string to attach the flock to the stem of the peach. Once they were done the flock took to the sky lifting the peach into the air. Before I could even think about it, a large mechanical shark appeared and fired a harpoon at the peach preventing it from leaving.

"They're in trouble," I said making my way over to them.

Before I could get there the shark fired a small shark missile at the string holding the seagulls, snaping the string allowing a few seagulls to get away. A small boy then got on the back of the other creature, who leaped high into the air and retrieved the seagulls. However the shark fired four missiles straight for the boy and creature.

"No you don't! Reflega!" I yelled as the force field appeared smacking two of the missiles away, but missed the other two, "NO!!"

That's when something flew into the air, it appeared to be a large ladybug, who used it's purse to smack away the other two. Suddenly the harpoon had lost it's grip on the peach, flying back towards the shark. The harpoon was accidently wrapped around it's top fin, causing the shark to malfunction and explode.

"Well that's over," I said making my way over to the peach to land.

"Is everyone ok?" I asked landing and my armour vanishing.

"You're the one who help me and Mister Grasshopper aren't you?" asked the boy and I nodded.

"We're alright, thank you for you're help deary," said the ladybug startling me for a bit.

"My name is James," introduced the boy, "This is Mr. Grasshopper, Mr. Centiped, Mr. Earthworm, Mrs. Ladybug, Miss Spider, and Ms. Glowworm."

"My name's Deli it's very nice to meet you," I bowed, "What are you all doing in the middle of the ocean?"

"We tumbled down from the hill we used to live and landed here," explained James, "Now were heading to New York City."

"New York City?" I asked.

James nodded, "It's a place where dreams come true."

"Dream's come true?" I thought, "Do you mind if I come along?"

"You're more than welcome to accompany us my dear," said Mr. Grasshopper.

"New York!" said Mr. Centipede as he moved the stem, "Here we come!"

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