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I didn't want to leave Aqua by herself, but I need to find out more about myself if I am to understand what's going on. So many people know who I am it's time I found out for myself. While distracted in my own thoughts, I accidently bumped into somebody.

"Oh no!" I said standing up from my fall, "I'm so sorry..I.. should have been looking to where I was going."

The man wore a guard's uniform with a dark slate grey jacket, silver highlights, and two rows of gold buttons on the front. He also wears a black belt and white gloves adorned with a silver, curled heart symbol. He also has short black hair with brown eyes.

"You kids need to.." started the man, but then stopped when he looked at me and muttered, "Are you her?"

"I'm sorry?" I asked confused.

"Don't worry about it Angel," said the guy as he stood up.

"Are you sure I didn't hurt you?" I asked.

"Hurt me? As if!" said the guy, "It'll take more than that to hurt me."

"Braig!" called out a guy who was with another man.

They both had similar outfits to Braig's except, one had long, black dreadlocks tied into a low ponytail with violet eyes and the other has short brown hair and blue eyes.

"What is it Dilan?" asked Braig.

"Where are you off to so suddenly?" asked Dilan.

"Just have some business to take care of," explained Braig as he started to walk away, "But I think little Angel here needs some assistance."

"Who does he think he is?" said the brown haired guy once Braig was gone.

"Forget it Aeleus," said Dilan, "We'll discuss it when he returns. In the mean time, Braig said you might be in some need of assistance."

"Me?," I asked flustered, "Well's just...I'm looking for someone named Ansem the Wise."

"His Lordship?" asked Aeleus.

"Lordship?" I asked.

"Ansem the Wise is also the Lord of Radiant Garden," explained Dilan.

"Please I need to see him," I begged, "I need his help."

The two looked toward each other then Dilan said, "I don't see any harm in it. I highly doubt you mean to do his Lordship harm."

"Really!?" I said, "Thank you, thank you so much!"

"Alright now come along," said Dilan, "We'll escort you too him."

"What's your name," asked Aeleus as we walked.

"Oh sorry, my name's Deli," I said.

"Well, Deli, what is it that you need our Lordships help for?" asked Dilan.

"I was hoping he could help me recover my forgotten memories," I explained.

"Your memories?" asked Aeleus.

I nodded, but before any of us could say something a different voice called out.

"Well there you are!" said a man with long blond hair in a lab coat, "Where did you two run off to?"

"Just scouting the perimeter," said Dilan.

"Then just one of you should have left not both of you!" lectured the man who then noticed me, "And who is this?"

"This is Deli, we were escorting her to see his Lordship," explained Dilan.

"His," said the blond haired man, then I noticed a small boy behind him, with short gray hair just studying me.

Deli Of Kingdom HeartsWhere stories live. Discover now