Reason and Power

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I found myself in an ancient looking world, with gladiator statues and temples. It was quite magnificent, but I didn't have time to admire the scenery. The feel of Unversed was all around me. Thankfully they were only low leveled Unversed that looked like Jellyfish, but there were thousands of them.

"Guess I have no choice," I said summoning my Keyblade.

I looked at my Keyblade for a moment remembering that I didn't even earn this power, it was just a tool given to me.

"Look out!" cried out a voice.

Snapping out of my train of thought I noticed three of the Unversed charging for me, I quickly leaped into the air and like a wheel I spun using my Keyblade to attack the Unversed.

"That was too close," I thought as a boy with short reddish brown hair and a white toga ran up besides me.

"Are you ok?" he asked.

"Yeah, thank you," I greeted, then we noticed that the Unversed were still coming our way.

"Let's get'em!" said the boy as he stood ready with his fists in front of him.

"You sure?" I asked, "They're dangerous."

"Of course," said the boy, "After all a true hero never runs from danger."

Before I could say anything, the boy charges for five of the Unversed and easily destroyed them one by one as he charged through them.

"Woah," I thought, "Guess he'll be okay then...Time to focus on my own fight now."

I pointed my Keyblade at the Unversed and prepared to fight. As if an unknown instinct had kicked in, I knew exactly what to do.

"Stopga!" I shouted as I froze many of the Unversed in time.

I then took a step back began to gather energy from light into my feet. Once I got the energy I needed, I bolted at the Unversed, destroying them before they had a second to think. I turned to the boy seeing he was about to get attacked from behind.

"Reflega!" I screamed and a light force field appeared around him.

The Unversed bounced off the shield and were intently destroyed as I used my Keyblade to finish them. He gave me a thumbs up as thanks, then as if an imaginary light bulb appeared over his head, he had an idea.

"How long can you hold that up?" he asked.

"What are you thinking?" I asked.

"Trust me, it'll work," he said smiling.

"Alright," I said activating the spell and put it around the boy, "Whatever you're planning to do, I suggest to do it fast. I can only hold the spell for maybe 5 minutes tops."

"Got it! Here I go!" said the boy as he started to run with the force field spinning around with him, destroying Unversed in his path.

I got excited seeing that the plan was working, but in my excitement I lost concentration and the spell deactivated. The boy tripped as the spell faded and was left stranded in the middle of the Unversed. The Unversed saw the opportunity to attack and charged for the boy.

I panicked and screamed, "NOOOO!!!"

At that moment, I felt something inside of me growing stronger and stronger. The light from inside had responded to my fear and began to engulf the area in a blinding light. Once the light had finally faded, all the Unversed were gone, and the boy was safe. I knelt to the ground looking at my hands in awe and fear.

"Did..I that?" I asked myself, "No, that wasn't me. That was the light given to me. It wasn't me."

"That was amazing!" said the boy walking over to me, "You got rid of those monsters like it was nothing! Your power is incredible!"

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