Outing (7)

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" your going to the dinner party with me for my company's release "
He said while I sat on the couch munching on some sour sweets he had just come back from a meeting

" whyyyyyy"
" because I can't go on my own and a lot of my exes will be there "

He scrunched his face in disgust while I laughed and fell to the ground clutching my belly he scowled at me as I laughed my heart out I saw his face soften until it turned Into a quick scowl grabbing my hand .
What got stuck up his ass

" Ergh let go "
I growled at him
" No"
I huffed while he led me to his room which I was forbidden to enter without permission he probably fucked a thousand girls that's why .

He walked over to his dresser opening it up to reveal a bergande satin box tied with a ocean blue silk ribbon  he grabbed the book slamming the cubourd as his usual self and opened up the box untieing the perfectly tied ribbon slowly he removed the lid revealing

A gorgeous gown a dark blue colour it was sleeve less and also back less with a state ment necklace attached to it .

" I can't have that "
" why not ?!"
"It's to expensive I already need to pay you back "
He sighed while looking in my blue eyes
" this won't add on don't worry now go try it on he said sternly

I almost thought he softened who was I kidding I grabbed the dress from him trying it on in my room wlsking over to the mirror .

It fit all my curves and hugged my slim waist I always had size d cups so most dresses were to tight but this was perfect in all the right places next to my he'd I see another box this time champagne pink and a gold ribbon opening it up I stared at the 6 inch silver heels they were breath taking by the side of it it had a note from xavior saying its for the dinner to go with the dress .

I was kind of mad that he's doing this I felt less independent but they were beautiful besides he was the one forcing me to this stupid Buisness party .

" Aspyn come out I want to see "

I slowly opened my bedroom door walking out his eyes bulged but he quickly changed it to a cold look

" it's nice "
He said with I shrug I rolled my eyes at his cold Ness.

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