Drunken (9)

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Xaviors Pov....

I spun on my feet to get Aspyn a drink she had eaten brownies containing alcohol how foolish of her , I walk towards a water fountain taking a glass from the glass cabinets. I filled it with fresh ice cold water to help flush the alcohol out of her system .

I turned around to be stopped by one of my employees pointing towards something .

" I think your mistress is a bit .. Umm drunk !"
I look up to the direction he's pointing ,
"What thee.."
I say as she sways her hips on the table while giggling I cringe at her giggles it's so not like her .

I barge towards the table she's dancing on pushing past the crowd .

" hi Xavior!"
" let's go sorry everyone have fun !"
I said whirl throwing her over my shoulder while she laughed and giggled

" you know your really fit "
She said while giggling and kicking her legs in the air
" oh really "
I said with a grin appearing on my face .

"I love errm everything about you ! But you know sometimes you reallyyy really really annoy me !"

I chuckled as I through her in the car

" well guess what darling I like you to and the annoying feeling is mutual "
I gave her a wink as I drove of home .

Opening my door and hers also she stumbles out giggling and talking to herself I picked her up bridal style placing her in her bedroom I shut my eyes while I quickly took of her clothes and put my shirt on her I would love to look at her body but she would murder me I did not want that .

Grabbing the blanket I tucked her in after I was done I started walking out as a hand grabbed mine .
" stay "
She said while smiling up at me I don't know why but I still did

" okay "
I said while taking if my pants as her eyes grew wide I smirked as I got in to her bed wrapping my arms around her this was the first time sleeping with some one without having sex .

I kissed her forehead as a adrenaline rushes through my body it was really weird .

Goodnight love I said as I ticked her hair behind her ears and falling asleep .

Authors notes ..

That was Xaviors pov !! I know it was short but I just wanted to get his point of view in so its both sides you know Lol!

Anyways comment like follow if you liked it thank you so much !!!!!!!!!!! Xxxxx

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