Couple (6)

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I wake up to the sound of the alarm and jump out of the bed to the giant bathroom brushing my teeth and getting ready for the day I grabbed my old Jean shorts they were a bit tatty but it will work I paired it with a baggy white shirt and through my hair into a pony tail .

I ran down the stairs to be met with Xavie his back turned to me scrambling eggs he looked really focused he was just wearing jeans so u could see his broad shoulders and 8 pack my heart beat fastened as I saw this sight I played it cool while sitting on the chair .

" oh I didn't know you came"
He says while turning towards me eying my clothes
" what are you wearing "

He said with disgust I gave him my middle finger while he glared at me his face softened a second later

" I'm taking you shopping "
" ew no"
" well sugar cakes you have no choice "
He said with a grin I huffed while I ate my breakfast fast as soon as we were funded he went and changed into a sit and throwed me in the car as I refused

" yeah Cameron cancel All my meetings I'm busy "
He says through the phone and disconnected

I slumped in my seat as he parked in a clear spot in front of a giant meal he walked out banging the door shut
" get out "
" so much for bieng a gentleman "

I muttered while slamming my door open he glared at me while he grabbed my hand and dragged me in to a very fancy store

I snatched my hand out of his while I stomped inside the store

" try these on "
I grabbed then while walking to a changing room they all fit so I got out as he handed me a card

I don't want anything I'm not letting you pay for me
He gave me eyes telling me to do what he says so I grabbed his card angrielly and payed giving him the cold shoulder fit doing that I was an independent women like wtf

" chill woman no need for the scowl "
" shut up"
I muttered while we drove back to his place .

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