Lost soul (15)

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Aspyns POV

I hear a familiar voice as I try open my eyes it felt like an huge weight was on me and I couldent do anything about it I try raising my hand but nothing I can't do it I could hear distant muffeld voices around me but I couldent move I was lost .......

Xaviors POV
"Come you need something to eat "
I heard Nicole say as Ray stood there with his arms around her waist " I'm not leaving her alone " I replied coldly I know they were just looking out for me but right now I felt like murdering someone because of what that mother fucker did .

They shortly left me and Aspyn alone jut how I wanted I massaged her hand with my thumb in a circular motion and buried my head in her hands just as I was about to doze of I felt a gentle shake shooting up I looked at her limp body trying to make some movement .

" Aspyn ? Your fucking okay thank god "
" where am I ?"
Aspyns PoV

Where I'm I ? I asked as pain hit my body I groaned as it came memories flooded into me making me remember everything I tried keeping my tears in but they flew out not wanting to stop .
" where's Gabriella ?!! "
I said raising my voice " she was .. Raped I said the last part in a small whisper .
" I know shh where finding him baby it's going to be okay "
Xavior said while rubbing my back and repeadetly kissing my forehead while telling me soothing words .

"Can I see her ?"
I said while sobbing " not yet baby you need to recover "
I sighed as I slumped my shoulders causing me to hiss in pain " are you okay ?!"
He said with a pained expression on his face " two seconds cupcake I'll be right back "
He said getting up and leaving the door I heard mutters between someone and him

" she's awake and in a lot of pain just give her some pain relievers for goodness sake"
He said in a low growl seconds later I see a man coming in with a fake smile

" Ms glad your awake we haut need to check your blood with a blood test and some other tests and your free to go home and you need some pain relievers so a nurse will be in for that he said while checking my heart beat and other weird things he was doing I nodded glad I could go home soon gabriella needed the attention not me what happened to her I couldent even dream of happening to me I let out a son remembering what happened while I was in my daze I felt a needle prick me startling me .

"Sorry but I have to take a blood test " he said " no it's okay "

I said as he nodded can I meet my friend now ??
"Errm I guess yes but you have to go in a wheel chair as your legs need to still heal "

" but I don't want a shell chair I'll be fine"
I whined " I'll carry you " I hear Xavior say as I'm bieng lifted up from the hospital beds my heart beat started beating really fast as got his touch .

He carried me to her room as a gasp escaped me she just looked plain dead he placed me on a chair as I saw the hurt and anger in Brandon's eyes I touched his shoulder he glanced at me giving a weak smile but you could tell it's fake " she's strong she'll get through it " I said with a a small whisper "

" I know he replied while caressing her hand "
I felt Xavior out me on his lap I gasped at this gesture

" I think we should leave them alone she's sleeping she just woke up a bit before you "
He whispered in my ear I nodded as I gulped at how close we were " ermm bye Brandon "

I said awkwardly as he carried me towards my room to finish some stuff and then I would be going home .

So sorry this chapter was shit as hell but I had to show this part thank you so much for reading && happy new year hope this year will be amazing for all of you && make the best of it thank you xxx bye xxx

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