The Fight (11)

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" get ready we are going to my friends house "
" Brandon's and Gabrielle's ??"
" them and someone you haven't met his names Ray"

" uhh okay.."
I said as I ran Upstairs to quickly get changed I chose a black crop top and a denim jacket with some black leather pants

all these items were brought by xavior he was sometimes nice but other times I wanted to punch him straight in the face .

I ran downstairs but bumped into him it didn't seem to effect him at all

"what the fuck took you so long " he said while pushing me towards him and wrapping his arms around my waist I gasped wriggling free it was really hard to resist as I loved his hands on me why the fuck was I thinking now like this sometimes I just couldn't get him out of my head.

I turned tomato red as soon as he let go
" err .. I shut up !"He grinned while carresing my cheek " i love that I have that effect on you "

" you have no effect on me !! "
" sure baby " he said with a wink

" don't call me that "
I said as I went red once again
" okay then sweetheart "

He said while grinning " not that either !!!"
" I love it when you get angry it makes you even look even more sexier "
I huffed as I stomped towards the car as he chuckled behind me .

I slammed the door open and sat in the passenger seat crossing my arms like I was a kid .

" can you stop doing that "
He asked while looking at my crossed arms
" what !!"
" your crossing your arms and it's making your breasts look very appealing as there being pushed up .

I quickly put my hands by my side " you Son of  a COW!!"

He laughed as he drove down a pretty dark lane covered with trees

" your freind lives in a .. Pretty creepy place you know "
" I know "
He said while not leaving his eyes of the road .

I reached over to play Justin beibers new song love your self

" awe god no turn it of "
" nope not happening Brooks"
I said while popping the P with amusement in my voice

" stop you sound sexy when you say my second name "
" your a very horny man brooks "

He groaned as I turned the volume up " your so annoying "
He muttered under his breath

" shush you "
It turned into a relaxing silence as we kept on driving .


We walked to the front door knocking ... Nothing no one answers I raised my eyebrow at Xavior while he has a confused expression plastered on his face .

We kept on knocking but no one came I started to get exhausted so I sat down as Xavior rang the bell .

A few minutes later a silver Lamborghini parked in front of the car .

" Aspyn!!!"
Gabby screamed while squeezing me into a hug
" ca..nt breathhh .."

" sorry "
She said sheepishly while letting go I chuckled as I have Brandon a small hug he walked over to Xavior and patted his back.

" why are you two love birds still outside "
Gabby asked while playing with Brandon's hair I loved the love between them

I blushed " we are not love birds and he won't open the door who is he even anyways "

They both glanced at each other now this was getting fishy ..

" we just recently met him by Xavior " Brandon replied

" errm okay .."

I gasped as I heard glass shattering inside his house gabby squeezed Brandon while he hugged her I guess she didn't know who this dude was either because Brandon and Xavior were acting like its normal

Xavior banged the door open making the lock break of .

My eyes widened as I took in the sight in stood of me stood a man grabbing a guys throat anger blazing through his vines I just about fainted right there

" what the fuck man get of him !"
Xavior yelled as I examined the the glass on the floor that he had smashed

" NO This fuking filthy motherfucker threatened to rape Nicole!"

"RAY! Get of him !"
Xavior yelled as my legs felt like jelly Ray kept on throwing punches to the guy and threatening to murder him right there Brandon helped Xavior get him of the man while gabby hugged me .

Who was Nicole ? I thought I was shitting my pants as the scene in front of me happened I had so many wuistions who the fuck was this man and what Nicole was he talking about .

The guy he beat up was bleeding terribly while he whimpered on the floor about to pass out " call Nicole now !"
Ray growled as Xavior called the girl .


" RAY what the fuck you could have killed him "

A petite framed girl entered the room she had blonde hair going past her hips and she was furing with anger I realised that  when he saw her he felt relived and had a soft look to him he grabbed the girl and sobbed in her shoulder I could tell he had a lot of secrets hidden behind his eyes .

Xavior pulled me into a hug as tingles entered my body he kissed my forehead while muttering sweet things to me right now I was so shocked and confused I was so not ready for this .
" who is he ?!"

I yelled towards all of them Ray then realised I'm in the room

" who the fuck are you "
He said with a cold look to him
" don't talk to her that way Xavior yelled with his fists clenched into fists
He rolled his eyes while pointing to himself

  " I'm an British gang leader"
He said casually " whatttttt!!!!!!!!!!!!"
I yelped while taking a step back Xavior explained to me that he's not as bad as I think he is how could I believe that after I just witnessed well I guess you can't judge a book by its cover right ...


That was hella intense!!!!! Thanks for reading !! Cyaaaa xxxxxx

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