Alecs Back ... (13)

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If you have read the first book of the series you know who he is xxx

I woke up to the sound of faint laughter rubbing my eyes I walk to the bathroom to splash my face in cold water and brush my teeth .

I pick out high waisted shorts and a simple tee to go with it I couldn't be bothered with my hair so I through it in a bun and ran downstairs .

To see all of them sitting eating pancakes and laughing I smiled a little as I sat down next to gaby .
" mornin! "
Gaby said while placing a choclate chip pancake on my plate I looked at it happily as everyone laughed at my level of excitement .

" okay I need to go to a business appointment with Brandon so I'll see you later " he said while walking to me and kissing my forehead why does he keep doing stuff like that Ray and Nicole also got up saying they were going somewhere me and gaby smirked because we knew they were going on a date .  They all left leaving just me and gaby in the house .

" Let's watch the notebook !"
Gaby screamed I nodded while I arranged the pillows so it was all cozy and ran to the kitchen to get the popcorn .

Once we got everything ready we put the Notebook on through Netflix " awe gawd it's so cute "
Gaby sighed her phone rang so she picked it up her face paled as she dropped the phone hearing it smash against the floor " what's wrong "
I said looking at her with worry
" He ... He's coming "
She said fear building in her eyes " what who's coming "
I said now nervousness was hitting me .

Gunshots are firing all around me making me jolt in fear
" Hide in the closet now!!!!"
" who is that I'm not leaving you "
I stammered with trembling shoulders "Now Aspyn!!"
She screamed at me fear over took me as I slowly nodded and hesitantly walked in the closet locking it I couldent stop trembling as I heard the door crash open I heard screams of Gaby and fierce steps walking towards her then slam I could hear a body being smashed against a wall that was it I might have been scared shitless right now But she was my friend and whoever he was he couldent hurt her like that I opened the closet taking small steps towards the living room I grabbed a vase to hit him with I see him throwing punch after punch to a tied gaby who was screaming Alec .. Who was ALEC .

Her eyes widend when she saw me coming in he had her by her neck while throwing punches to her gut I winced at the pain I was seeing I ran quickly slamming it into the mans head he had broad shoulders was really tall and looked fierce even from the back .

He froze then slowly turned towards me coldness going over his eyes he grabbed my neck and through me against the wall my vision blurred as he moved to my side moving his hands up my arm I shivered in disgust he smirked then smashed his lips into mine he bit my lip so hard that it started bleeding I wouldn't cry it would make him happy Gaby was to weak to get up because of all the beating I stood disgusted at what was happening I could taste the alcohol and cigarettes from him I whimpered as he grabbed my hair pulling it back while he kissed down my neck I tried pushing him of but he was to strong.

Before I knew it he grabbed my pants and through them of I tensed this couldent be happening my body couldent function as he looking at me half naked with my legs spread apart I see gaby getting up looking at the sight in front of her she grabbed the chair next to her and through it on to him .

" fiesty"
He growled while smirking and slapping gaby I couldent move at all as he had banged my body against a wall he tearedbher clothes of while she screamed and shouted at him to stop while I couldent move at all I was in my under wear and that was it .
" we have some unfinished business to do "
He said coldly to gaby then he raped her right in front of my eyes I cried and cried as it was happening unable to move once he was down he grabbed her naked body and threw it against a mirror close by shattering glass all over her she later limp unconcionois before I knew it I had fierce arms around my neck " you'll be next "
He whispered in my ear then smashed my head into the wall I could see black spots everywhere and darkness over took me leaving us limp on the blooded floor.....

Authors note ...

One word OMG
Wdf just happened so sorry for the sad part and yes ALEC is the guy that was going to rape Gaby when he kidnapped her in the first book ... He's back

Hope u enjoyed this chapter please let me know what u think in the comments and like and maybe follow ??... Yeah byeeeeeee xxxxxxx

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