Broken pieces (4)

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" ma'am wake up sirs calling you "

I scrunched my eyes as I woke up by his voice

" what time is it"

I asked still half asleep
I sat up straight wide eyes " what?!!! How early what does he want ergh"
I said while stomping my feet downstairs I see xavior on the couch wearing a black suit which looked really hot ...

He kept checking his watch as I stood he looked up seeing me

" make me coffee"
" make it urself"

"Do u want t.."

" erghhh fine!!!!"
I stomped of once I was finished making the coffee I got an amazing idea to ruin it by adding chilli

Going through the cabinets I found a chilli sauce pouring it all in then screwing the lid of his coffee cup.

Walking towards him I handed it to him while I kept my laugh he raised his eye brow at me taking a sip then spitting it out and smashing the cup against the window making it smash déjà vu much

"Wdf is this !"
" geez it was just a prank u didn't need to throw it "

I said while stomping to the glass picking them up in my hand out of the corner of my eye I see him barging towards me

" Wdf are you fucking stupid why the fuck are you picking up the glass get up and fuck of "

He growled with his blazing I held back my tears while staring at him .

" that's wat you think of me nice to know " piece of shit how dare he call me stupid

I said furiously
" I didn't me.."
I cut him if by running to my room and slamming the door I don't know why but it hurt to know that's how he thought of me I furiously changed to some decent closed and stomped downstairs past him getting in his car to work he tried talking but I walked of I wanted to go to my best friend lauran right now i hate him ...

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