Meeting the Billionaire (1)

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My eyes flutter open to be blinded with the sun shining through my tatty blinds I groaned while I dragged my self to the bathroom I lived in a trashed apartment bits of wallpaper peeled of while I sleep on just a mattress .
Me Aspyn Collins has been abandond by her parents since 18 and brought me this trashy apartment since then I've been earning very little and have been struggling a lot with the rent the only person in my life my best friend Lauran my life was a MISERY..

I turned the water on and hopped in the shower making sure to not use to much water once I was done I dried my self with my old towel and wore my woolly jumper from when i
was 18 and paired it with some worn out skinny jeans I threw my brunnete hair into a messy bun and ran out running to the bar I work at .

Hoping to not get late this was my only hope of money I couldent get fired I quickly stopped in a cheap building which I happened to work at

" IM HERE! Please don't fire me it's only one minute and 22 seconds late "
I pleaded to a chunky short man the owner of the bar my boss
" Aspyn I'm not firing u "
He said while keeping in a laugh he was quite a sweet man
" Oh thank the lords I'll go and arrange the drinks as no ones in "

He gave me a quick nod as I ran to the drinks I was never one to drink I was kind of disgusted by the smell but I had no choice as I was arranging the drinks a furious man probably 6ft 3 he had a light stubble making him look even hotter with his suit on you could tell there were biceps underneath them clothes I stared in awe going into a daydream .

Until fingers clicked in front of me causing me to come out of my senses .

" oh .. Err sorry wat would you like ??"

I was kind of confused he looked ridiculously rich so what was he doing here..

" Beer"
He growled while I quickly gave him it startled by his anger he grabbed it and banged 500 pounds in front of me I stared at it shocked .

He raised the glass bottle to his lips sipping a little as his face grew in disgust then bam he smashed it across the floor causing it to shatter across the already scratched tiled floor .

And walked out slamming the door open it caused it to rattle scared it was going to break I stared at the door the shocked expression not leaving my face ..


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