The Kiss (12)

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We all sat on his couch while Ray has Nicole on his lap he's started to calm down after everything that happened I'm in shock should I feel safe around him ?

I was in my own thoughts as a hand grasped my thigh I jumped at the touch , my face starts heating up as Xavior moves upwards I grab his hand and yank it of clearly embarrassed .

Looking up I see a smirking Xavior looking down at me while intertwining our hands what was he doing I thought in my head he was really turning me on and this was not good at all .

" your blushing "
He whispers in my ear while brushing my hair back I realise everyone's staring at us while grinning even Ray .

" so are you two a package ??"
Nicole spoke while gaby was grinning at her .

I started blushing furiously as everyone kept asking the same question .

" I'll get the popcorn .."
" I'll go with you "
Xavior said standing up I glared at him while he winked I was trying to get away from this idiot but he was not helping Ray whistled while Brandon and the others were exchanging smirks I stomped of to the kitchen while Xavior was following .

I grabbed the popcorn packet throwing it into the microwave and setting a 2 minute timer .

I feel hands grabbing my waist I gasp as I turn to face Xavior he looked down at my lips lustily then back up to my eyes I licked my lips nervously this seemed to set him of as he smashed his lips into mine i tensed but then responded a second later .

It felt like fireworks erupted in my body he started nibbling on my bottom lip making me groan in pleasure we lost breath so we let go for a second heads touching each other while my hands were entangled in his hair his lips were plump from the kissing .

As soon as we caught our breaths he smashed his lips back into mine i couldn't let go no matter how hard I tried.

"O M G holy macoroni "
I hear we let go to see Ray standing casually with his usual cold look while Nicole had her hands on her mouth I started blushing like a maniac as she squeled .

" what's wrong ?? Why you guys taking so long "
She looked up to me and Xavior entangled together
She said surprised " there actually an item !!!"

" shut the fuck up "
Xavior said I glared at him while he shrugged and pushed me towards him I made some space between us and he didn't seem very happy about this .

" guys we are not dating "
They all sulked except Ray who still looked dangerous as ever his facial expression never changed he only softens in front of Nicole .

" whatever "
Gaby and Nicole said noticeably upset by it we all sat down on the sofa Nicole on Rays lap and same with Brandon and gaby I stayed away from Xavior still shocked from what happened he inched closer to me putting his arm over my shoulder I soon snuggled into him unexpectedly he was surprised for a second but then started playing with my hair .


The movie just finished and everyone dozed of I lift Xaviors hand of my shoulder but it doesn't budge damn how heavy is he it felt like he was doing it .

" Xavior ? Are you awake ??"
I asked while looking at him amused " mhm"
He replied while rubbing his eyes a little I chuckled looking around Ray wasent here anymore .. Nicole ended up on the floor somehow and gaby and Brandon were asleep with gabys head on his lap while Brandon had his head just hanging there .

" come sleep "
Xavior mumbled pulling me in
" I'm not sleepy "
I said while stretching he grabbed my hand leading me to the balcony .
" the sky's so beautiful "
I sighed I kept thinking about the kiss why did he kiss me ?
" Xavior .. Why did you kiss me ??"
I heard him walk towards me he yanked me wrapping his arms around me .
" beacause I felt like it "
He whispered in my ear seductively he had a huskiness to it which was extreamly hot I hanged my mouth open what a dick .

" a fly might come in "
He smirked while closing it
He kisses my cheek grins and walks to leave the door
" you piece of shit !"
I shouted as he chuckled why did I even think he liked me ergh .
I sigh turning back to the beautiful view of the sky there was stars shining but my heart didn't feel all shiny at all I felt like a knife stabbed me why was I feeling this what did I except of course he didn't feel anything what was I thinking I sat on a cushiony chair on the balcony I was about to doze of right there but I felt a pair of strong arms carrying me to a bed I murmered in my sleep as he carried me .

" I like you that's why "
I thought I heard that but I was already asleep .

Hope you like it guys thanks !! Byeeee xx
Ooh has anyone listened to Jason derulos song pull up its bomb ! Sorry just had to say lol thanks bye xxxxxx

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