Chapter Seven: Heartbroken

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Lucy's P.O.V.

"Look what you did shithead" Ryan glared at Chaz as he slapped the back of his head. "Ouch" Chaz started rubbing the back of his head. "I'm sorry bro. It just slipped out of my mouth" Chaz looked down apologetically. I was just still looking at the road, Moshe's car had gone minutes ago. I can't believe Justin left. Everything was so perfect about today then this happens. "Wh-what's going on?" i turn my attention back to Ryan and Chaz. I mean i thought Justin and Selena were still together. They are, aren't they?

"Look, it's not our story to tell" Ryan said making me nod. He was right. Honestly right now i didn't know what to do. The look on Justin's face kept replaying in my head. He seemed so hurt so fragile, like a piece of glass which it had just broke. It broke my own heart into million of pieces. I felt my eyes burning from the salty tears they were start to forming there. Justin was hurting and right now i can't do nothing about it.

"Let's go home. I think he needs some time alone" i heard Chaz saying, dragging me out of my thoughts. I nodded as we started to walk again. "You live far away?" Ryan asked me. "Uh.." i tried to talk again only to realize my voice was about to crack. "You guys go home, I'll walk by myself" i said. I wanted to spend some time on my own. Review the situation, see what i can do about it.

"Are you sure?" Chaz asked. I barely nodded at him before started walking the other direction of them and towards my house. I can't believe it. Selena with Taylor? But she has been with Justin for three years. Maybe it was just a misunderstanding. Besides the pas take something and turn it into what the wants. I don't understand anything anymore.

Justin's P.O.V.

"Thank you so much for being there man" i said as i enter my hotel room. "I was just doing my job man. Get some rest" he kinda smiled at me before closing the door which left me now alone in my room. It was only three in the afternoon so there was pretty much light everywhere in this room cause of the big windows. I sighed as i sat down at the edge of my bed.

Taylor and Selena? The photo of both of them ready to kiss kept repeating itself in my head. It was like someone was stubbing my heart with a knife over and over. I put my head in my hands trying to stop the tears that were threatening to fall. I don't want to cry. I'm not suppose to cry. Crying is for weak people and girls. I don't want to cry.

And that's when i broke down. I felt countless tears making their way out of my eyes and down my cheeks. Why? Fucking why? Why would she do this to me? After everything i've done for her. After everything i've sacrifice for her. I gave her everything. Even my virginity. But it was not enough for her. I wasn't good enough for her. Nothing was good enough for her, that's why she left me.

After knowing what i've been through with other girls in my life. How hard it was and still is for me to find people who i can trust, she still goes and do such a thing to me....with Taylor. The only man i was scared he could take her away from me. And i knew it. All those meetings with him, with the excuse he was just friend was bullshit. She was just throwing her lies at me and i was such a sucker i fell for every single word that came out her mouth.

I don't understand it tho. Have i done something wrong? I was always so nice, kind and romantic to her. I even put her above my fans. I started sobbing harder at this point as i stood up and run my my hands through my hair while pacing up and down in front of my bed. The hurt was now turning into anger. Why? Why would she do that to me.

"Why?" i yelled at the top of my lungs before punching the wall next to my bed, so hard it caused my hand to start bleeding. I sighed as i whipped my tears away. "Hunny, are you alright?" i heard my mum running through my room and towards me. She had a spare key for my room. Her and Scooter.

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