Lucy's P.O.V.
Justin was the first one to spoke. "Oh, hey Jasmine" he smiled awkwardly as she run up to him and hugged him. Justin of course hugged her back. After she pulled away she turned her attention to me. "And you are?" she asked, trying to be polite but i could tell just my presence was annoying her.
"Lucy. Lucy Nelson" i stuck out my hand for her to shake. She faked smiled at me and shook it. "Is she like a member of the crew?" she asked Justin.
Just the fact that i was standing in front of her and yet she choose to ask him, annoyed me.
"Actually I'm-" i began saying "She is just a fan" Justin finished for me.
I turned to look at him, hurt been visible in my eyes.
I knew what i was but i thought.....i mean he could have at least called me a 'friend'. It would of have hurt a lot less.
"Yeah..." i nodded in agreement, trying to hide how upset i was. I was good at hiding my emotions, I've been doing it my whole life so why not now?
"So, you guys wanna hung out?" Jasmine beamed excited.
"I uh, i have tutoring so I'll see you guys later.." i muttered not that Jasmine had any intention in spending time with me but whatever.
Everyone nodded as they kept talking while i made my way to the elevator and to my hotel room.
Jasmine was only here for three days and she was already driving me nuts.
I wanted so badly to just run up to her and slap her till she shuts up.
I sighed as i stare at her and Justin giggling together deep in conversation.
Thank god Scooter told me that she is here only for the three shows Justin has in New York. Two of them were gone so that left one show for tomorrow and then she can get the hell out of here.
I was texting my friends back home, trying to get my mind off of things.
I don't think Jasmine is doing it on purpose but she's been dragging away Justin from me.
He spends more time with her than he does with me.
"You can't just forget an old passion" Kenny popped himself next to me.
I looked at him confused causing him to chuckle."They used to date" he explained making me nodding in awe.
I mean i knew they went on tour together and share a few kisses but non of them ever made it official that they were dating.
The first time Justin came out clear to talk about his personal life was with Selena.
"He spends more time with her than he does with you guys" i looked up at Kenny to find him on his iPhone, tweeting something.
He chuckled. "New girl on tour. Justin is single. It's obvious he is going to be all over her. I think you don't know Justin at all..." he smirked, his eyes still glued to the screen of his phone.
He was so calm about this while i was freaking out.
I sighed. Was really Justin that flirty?
I guess so....
We had barely talked those days, not to mention he doesn't want me going to his room at nights anymore.
I scoffed, returning my attention back to my phone as i texted my mum, asking how she was doing back home.

#recommended: Just A Fan { Justin Bieber love story }
FanfictionWhat will happen when life gives you a chance to meet and actually go on Tour with your idol, Justin Bieber himself for three months ? "You are friends with Pattie Mallette, world most famous teen sensations mother on this planet and you never menti...