Author's Chapter Notes:
"I'm here to show you how your first time should have been"
Warning: Graphic Sexuality
Lucy's P.O.V.
"Smile a little, will you?" Nicole hissed, grabbing my upper arm and dragging me to the nearest bathroom along with Gabby trailing not far behind her. She locked the door and they both turned to glare at me.
"What?" I exclaimed, annoyed.
"It's your birthday. Your party and you look more miserable than ever" Gabby sighed, staring at me confused.
I looked down at my black heels while biting on my bottom lip. "I miss him" I mumbled.
It's been two days since the last time I saw Justin. I know I told him to give me some time alone but I never really thought he would do it. He hadn't contact me once. Maybe he was okay with it. Maybe I was the only one feeling this way.
"There are so many sexy guys dancing in your living room right now. How can you still think about that jackass?" Nicole raised her hands. She never really liked Justin and after telling her what I've been through in his tour her hate for him I guess grew stronger. Gabby on the other hand seemed to be more understanding and comforting.
"Don't talk like that about him" I muttered playing with the hem of my short dark purple dress.
"Look" she sighed, running a hand through her hair. "All I'm saying is that you look stunning tonight. You just turned 18 and all you do is thinking about some celebrity"
"Just try to have fun and forget about him for a while, okay?" Gabby spoke up with a softer voice than Nicole's this time.
I nodded. "Just let me fix my makeup"
I sighed the moment they had both left the room. I looked up, observing my reflection in the mirror. I'm 18 now. I'm older and I have to be stronger. This was supposed to be the best birthday party ever. I took a deep breath and put some light red lip stick on to refresh it. I looked pretty good tonight. A lot of guys have asked me to dance but I had rejected every single one of them.
Maybe it's time for me to mingle.
I made my way through my crowded living room, holding a glass of red wine in my hand. I had spotted Gabby with her boyfriend making out in a corner. I chuckled. Those two just can't hold back. Nicole was obviously flirting with the DJ who didn't seem to mind since he was whispering things in her ear making her smile. Everyone was having a good time. I should do the same.
I walked back to the kitchen where the drinks were just so I could re-fill my glass. The need to drink tonight was so strong. I was looking down making sure I wouldn't trip on those heels when I felt my body collided with someone else's.
"Wow, slow down Lucy" his deep voice spoke, his strong hands holding me from crushing like a pineapple on the floor and embarrass myself.
My eyes flickered up to look at him. He was wearing a black shirt with some leather black pants and those really expensive golden chains hanging from his neck. His hair was messed up and popping out in all kind of directions making him even more sexy. The fact that he was wearing black glasses was so confusing though.
"Uhh, thanks" I quickly collected my drools and stood on my own feet now.
Justin was also taking his time checking me out as well. His eyes traveled up my bare long legs to my short dark purple dress to my small waist before reaching my face. His eyes stayed for a moment pinned on my lips before he finally looked up to my eyes. He swallowed hard, his jaw clenching at the loss of words.

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