Chapter Twenty Five: Florida Part 1

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Justin's P.O.V.

It's been a week since my last fight with Lucy. Things have been weird. I'm acting weird.

I mean i don't know. She doesn't act around me the same anymore, like she is trying to keep a distance.

I can't blame her.

I'm kind of trying to keep a distance as well.

Spending time with her, sometimes even flirting with her has really gone too far.

I don't want to give her the wrong idea.

Not to mention that my own mind is playing games with me.

It's like, i can't even explain it. I like Lucy. I like her a lot, more than i should. But knowing that Selena is out there and maybe someday in the future comes back to me....i just... i can't and i won't let myself start something new.

God, i really am fucked up.

Anyways, we were in Florida now. I've bought a house here two years ago. It's a really big house and since it has a lot and when i say a lot i mean a lot of room i offered the crew to stay here. Not the entire crew. Just my closest friends.

Like Alfredo, Kenny, my mum, Scooter, Carin, Alison, Moshe and Lucy of course.

Lucy has been tutoring really hard the past week so i didn't get to see her a lot. To say I've missed her would be an understatement.

Somehow, spending time with her, talking with her, even kissing her when i needed to had become a part of my daily life and that scared me. That scared me a lot.

I knew i shouldn't be feeling like this.

I won't let myself feel like this.

That's why i invited Ryan and Chaz over since we are staying in this house for a week, having only two shows to do here and resting the rest of the days.

We had moved to the house last night and Ryan and Chaz came here this morning. I'm really happy i can finally spend some guy time with those fools. I've really missed them and besides, i think i need a break, from ... well... everything that's been going on the past couple of months.

Lucy's P.O.V.

Alex was finally done with me. "See you in a week kido" he smiled before getting out of my room. Yes, i now have a room since I'm staying in Justin's house, here in Florida.

The house was huge. I wouldn't be surprise if there was an elevator hidden somewhere. Really.

We came here last night and we are staying for a whole week, just relaxing. Thank god since Alex has been going really hard on me the past week, something about giving me the knowledge i will be missing out this week since I'm relaxing.

I sighed as i headed to the kitchen.

I could hear the boys, Chaz, Ryan and Justin watching some funny movie while chatting. Justin flew them here, according to him, he has missed them.

I don't believe him.

In fact, nowadays, it's been really hard for me to believe anything that comes out of his mouth. I can't tell if he is lying or simply telling the truth.

"What's wrong Lucy?" Pattie got me out of my thoughts. "You seemed troubled"

She was helping the maid, Macy, with the food, lunch to be exact.

I shrugged. "Nothing really..." i lied.

There were a lot of things going through my mind. So many questions. So many emotions and yet no one to share those things with.

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