Lucy's P.O.V.
"You'd better call everyday, you hear me?" my mum sobbed. I smiled at her. "Mum" i whined looking around to see everyone smirking at us. "You know i will" i open wide my arms and gave her a really tight hug. After a while she pulled away and looked up at me since i was taller than her. "You dress well okay? I don't want you getting sick. And don't eat from outside, you know how to cook just don't be lazy" oh god she's gonna start now. I looked down embarrassed. We were at the airport. Justin has a private jet and basically the whole crew was here to say their last goodbyes to their people. My mum will take ages as usual.
"And be on bed in time. Pattie told me she'll have a tutor for you so you don't miss anything from school" she kept going. "I know mum, i promise i'll study" i assured her giving her my best smile. "I'll make sure of it. Education is important" Pattie appeared next to me, putting one of her arms around my shoulder while smiling at my mum. I sighed from relief. Thank god, a person to get me out of this embarrassing situation. "And don't give Pattie a hard time" my mum glare at me. Is she serious? "Mum" i whined again while looking away, my cheeks turning red.
"I love you Lucy" she suddenly put her arms around me and pulled me in for a hug. I hugged her back, having her head at the crook of my neck. I was able to hear her sobs, making my eyes tear about. I was about to cry too. It was the first time i leave Canada and her. She will stay all by herself. "Take care" she mumbled in my hair. I smiled and nodded. "You and me mum" i pulled away and looked at her. "You and me Lucy" she tried to smile back through her wet cheeks and red eyes. I felt sorry for her. Maybe i shouldn't have accepted this offer but she agreed to this so that means she's okay.
"Don't worry. I'll take a good care of her" Justin stood next to his mum, both behind me. I turned around and gave him a sympathetic smile. I was sure those words relieve my mum even just the slightest. "No one will ever come near her" Kenny smirked at me. I chuckled. "Yeah right" i said sarcastically. Is he serious not gonna let anyone come near me? i will have no friends then. "We need to go now" Ryan yelled to all of us. I sighed, already feeling homesick and i haven't even left.
"Bye mum" i kissed her forehead. "Bye Lucy. Behave and make sure to call me when you land alright?" she asked still concern as a few more tears run down her cheeks. I lifted gently my hand and whipped those tears away. "It's the first thing I'll do. You take care too. No drama movies please" i begged at the end earning a chuckle from her. I smiled to myself. I had at least made her smile.
I followed the rest to the jet and took a seat next to Pattie and Kenny. Justin was sitting at the front of us row with Ry and Alfred. We are meeting Scooter in Glendale, Arizona where the first show takes place. I sighed as i took the seat next to the window and stare outside. I'm doing this for Justin. If he really needs my help I'm here for him. I've always been here for him and I'm not going anywhere.
"Hunny wake up" i felt Pattie shaking me. I slowly opened my eyes and looked around trying to figure out where i was. "We're here" she smiled before standing up. "Let's go sleepy head" Justin chuckled at me helping me with my luggage. I had slept the whole trip. I was fangirling all night and didn't get any sleep so i was really tired. I got out of the plane and fall to my knees. "EARTH!!" i yelled smiling. Let's just say planes aren't my thing.
"What?You're gonna kiss it the floor now? How cliche" Justin smirked at me. For the first time in my life i ignored him and followed the other to a group of people dressed in suits. Probably body guards. And there he stood. Scooterr Braun himself. Are you fucking kidding me? He looks so young from this close. "Oh you must be Lucy" he smiled big at me as i was standing in front of him now.
I remember Justin telling me how strict he was and when he plays friendly to me i shouldn't buy it. "Hello sir" i gave my best to seem serious. He looked at me confused as i heard Justin laughing from next to me. What was so funny? "You can call me Scooter" he smiled again. "It's alright sir" i said again. Justin has warned me about this too. All the names call and stuff. Honestly i didn't believe him at first. I mean Scooter seemed an alright guy but after what Justin told me he didn't seem exactly like that.

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