Chapter 40:

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*Crystal's POV*

I wanna go back to Santa Monica and be w/ MY family. I'm sad as FUCK! Damn mood swings. I checked my phone to call Aubrey. When I looked at it, I was pissed because I saw that SOMEONE had talked to him while I was asleep.

India came in. "Hey, sleepyhead."

"Did you use my phone?"

"Yeah. Aubrey called --."

"Don't TOUCH my fucking phone!"

"You need to calm yo ass down, Crystal."

"Don't use my shit and I wouldn't have to calm down!!"

"Yo ass crazy as fuck! I see why Chris did that shit to you and you don't know who the daddy is. Yo life is messed the hell up!"

Chris hitting me wasn't my damn fault! Why would she bring that up?!

I grabbed my phone and stormed downstairs and outside by the pool.

I called Aubrey.


"What's wrong?"

He heard my sniffling.

"I miss you. I hate that I left. India's being a bitch and I don't feel good at all!"

"What did India do?"

"She brought up the shit about Chris and shit. I just wanna go home with you. I don't wanna stay here."

"Come on, then."

"I don't wanna be lonely for hours by myself."

"I'm on my way."

"I love you."

"I love you, too."

I went back upstairs and packed up.

"Crystal. I'm sorry."

"Don't EVER bring that shit up to me." My voice came out strong like steroids.

"Where are you going?"


"You're taking a cab?"

I dissed her question.

I went to the bathroom and came back to finish packing. I laid down and next thing I know, I was being awoken and told that Aubrey was here.

I said my goodbyes and when I went to the door, I can see Aubrey holding a sleeping Alliyah and talking to Dad.

"Take care."

"I will and same to you."


I hugged him tightly and went out the door. I got shotgun and waited for Alli to get settled in and for Aubrey to start the car and go.


I leaned over and kissed him on the neck.

"I'm horny," I seductively whispered into his ear.

"But you're pregnant. It won't be right."

"Ughh. You're ALWAYS making up excuses! Am I that ugly?! Is the reason we had sex in the first place is because you felt sorry for me?!"

"You're hormones acting up. Calm down."

"Why are you with me?"

"Because I love you."

"Anybody can love anybody. You love your mom."

"But I wanna be with you."

I shook my head and said, "Just leave me alone," and was looking out at the scenery.

"So you want me to pull over and have sex with you in front of Alliyah?! No! Just be quiet."

Tears started to roll down because he never talked to me this way before.

"Why are you crying?!"

"Leave me alone."

My hormones ARE being bitchy. Too bad I can't tame them. I decided to just fall asleep until we got home because I'm starting to get a little nauseous.


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