Chapter 37:

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Aubrey's POV

When I laid Alli down in her bed, I walked out and left the door cracked a little.

I wasn't in the mood to talk to Crystal for the simple fact that she waited 2 weeks to tell me that she's pregnant...and it might not be mines! Mines or not, I'll still step up and be there for them.

"Drizzy." Crystal came up to me, wrapped her arms around my neck, and pecked my lips.


"Huh? You mad?"

"No. Move." I tried to push past her, but she backed into my way, making me stop and attempt to go around her again.

"Aubrey. Stop."


"Don't be mad."

"Mad for what?"

"About the baby. I'm confused and sorry. Don't turn on me, please."

I kissed her forehead and looked into her hazel eyes,"I'm never going anywhere."

I walked past her and into the bedroom to sleep.


Crystal's POV

Yeah. He's pissed. What am I supposed to do? We have 7 more months left so he NEEDS to be patient.

I got in the bed beside Aubrey and put my head on his chest.

Me:"I'm sorry, baby."

"It's alright."

"Why do you do that?" I sat up and looked him in the eyes.

"Do what?" He sounded irritated.

"Say that something's alright when you're in a bad mood."

He ignored me so I got up and took a long, hot shower. I doubted if he'd come in because we only had sex ONCE. Other things would come up like Alliyah coming in or he was too tired or he's busy.

When I laid back down, he was sleep. I was cold from adjusting from the boiling red shower to the frosty cold air, so I cuddled with him as much as I could and wrapped myself into covers.


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