Chapter 34:

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Drake's POV

We went on for hours. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

8 hours. We both had sexual frustration which made this sex BOMB. I swear, this girl was a virgin. She didn't know HOW to take the dick at first, but she got used to it. I have 5 hours to sleep. Crystal's ass is sleep already. I would be surprised if she wasn't. I still didn't tell her something else, either.

Chris's POV

SHIT! She's gone.

India's POV

"What y'all been up to?" Michael/Tyga was home.

"Nothing. We stayed in all day."

"Oh. I have to go to the studio after rehearsal tomorrow."

"Ty, you don't even take care of King."

"Is there a problem with you keeping King?"

"No, but this isn't my child. I love him, but I want a break. I'm 18."

"See if Crys wanna keep him for a day."

"That's still a wasted day. I wanna do something with you."

"Iight. I'll see if I can skip a day of rehersal."


Crystal's POV

Chris's gonna find out where I am and I don't wanna bring Aubrey into this.

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