Chapter 58:

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Last night was one of the hardest nights of my LIFE. I struggled so hard to keep my tears and frustration inside. When he left yesterday, he took 'me' with him, making me feel empty inside.

I had on a sleek black dress that comforted my body and enhanced my curves. I had on open-toes heels showing off my white toe nails that matched my finger nails. My hair is FINALLY pressed..straighter than a perm! I had on a Cartier bracelet and 3 rings. 1 - left pinkie 2 - right ringfinger 3 - right thumb.

India FINALLY has a car so she's driving us to my graduation, then afterwards, to Angela's.

L.A. then Corona.

I thought India was calling me when my phone rang, but I realized that maybe it was Alliyah calling me again. Last night, she KEPT face-timing me. When I looked at my phone, it was predictable who it was.

"Damn. What you dressed for?"

"My graduation."

"Oh shit! That's today?"

"Nah. I'm just trying on my outfit to make sure it still fits."

"I don't know why. You're about to pop out of it later on, big ass stomach popping through."

"I'm not even THAT big yet, dumb ass....we need to stop talking."

"That nigga Drake making you do this?"

"No, but --"

"Do you WANT to stop talking to me?"

"No, but I NEE--"

"Then what's your point?"

"Bye, Chris. I'm about to go."

I hung up before he could reply.

I ran outside when I heard a *BEEP BEEP!*

"India!" I squealed.

"It's Indo, bitch!"

I ran as best as I could with these heels on.


"What's been going on?"

"Other than pregnancy symptoms? Umm...Aubrey and I broke up."

"Damn. Why?"

"He think I have commitment issues or something."

"Well do you?"

"No. It's just too soon for me to marry. I'm only 21."

"SPEED YO PUNK ASS UP! Nigga going 35 miles per fucking hour in a 70. Anyways, he proposed?!"



"You're going damn near 100 miles."

"Shiet. It didn't feel like it. When's the last time you talked to Chris?"

"A few minutes ago. Where's Ty?"

"Music video shit. Oh yeah, he wanted to know if you wanted to go to a party tomorrow."

"Alliyah's coming back tomorrow."

"You can't ask if she can stay one more night?"

"They already bought the ticket. I wish I could go, though."

"You can't get a babysitter?"

"I don't want one..... Maybe Brooke can keep her tomorrow."

"Yeah. We can past Corona on the way to the party, too, so you can easily drop her off."

"Where at?"

"Long Beach."


"Last Kings celebrating some kind of shit. I forgot."

"Well, I know what I'm doing tomorrow."

"*Laughs* Riiight."


-Tomorrow/ Party Time-

"Bye, baby."

"Bye, Mami."

I gave Alli a big kiss and walked out to the car. Yeah, I look like a hoe tonight, but it's ok. This should be the ONLY time I do this.

I had on black SHORT shorts (Not showing my cheeks...gotta stay classy) with a lime green bandeau and matching Vans.


"BITCH, YOU RATCHET! MY MAN DON'T WANT YOU! He sticking with me cuz I'm a Mami-to-be. *Starts singing Boss Ass Bitch*"

"Hahaha. Crystal. Slow down!"

"You want some?"

My words were slurred AND I'm drunk and high.

"Nah. I'm gonna pass, but it's time to go. It's close 4 o'clock."

"It's not time to go, yet. The party is still live!"

Heather grabbed my arm and walked me out.

"India told me to take you home. We have to go. NOW."

"Ahh, shit. Where's India?"

"She told you that she was leaving 3 hours ago."

"Are you sure?"

She put me in the car and drove me to Brooke's house so I can spend the night.

****Brooke's POV***

Crystal was loud as fuck when she came in.

"Shhhh. You're gonna wake the kids."


She dragged me up the stairs.

"Damn. That hurts!"

"Well use your legs."

"Oh yeah. *laughs* I forgot."

I put her in the guest room since Alliyah was in Angela's room.

Crys fell asleep on the spot. I grabbed a glass of water, a bucket for her throwing up, and 2 aspirins. I laid the pills on the side table. When she wakes up, she's gonna learn that she can't party like that...especially while pregnant.

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