Chapter 71:

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1 week Later

*-Crystal's POV-*

When I went back to the clinic, Dr. Otobe found another fetus hiding behind the others. I'm OFFICIALLY having triplets. NO MORE! Alliyah was excited about the news. She can't wait to be a big sister.

Aubrey is outnumbered. 2 people wants Alli to model (Me & Her) against 1 (him). We took and submitted out portfolios yesterday and they are FLAWLESS, especially Alli-Bear. Speaking of Alli, she just turned 5 on June 7.

Chris is leaving for 4 months for a little touring and Alli is signed up for gymnastics and dance (ballet, hip hop, tap, and hula). She loves ALL of them already. It's all from 6:30-9. Monday-Friday

I've had no more fainting spells and is waddling from place to place. I keep getting bigger and bigger. So far, I put on about 15 lbs. during the whole pregnancy.


-2 Months Later-

"Hello, Ms. WestBrooks?"


"Alliyah Graham isn't getting along with anyone. This is her third time today arguing with other students. The first time, we let her off with a warning. The second time, we put her into a different class for today, but this is the THIRD time."

"I'm on my way."

Alliyah and I started school 2 weeks ago, but I'm stressed about it. She goes to public school because I didn't want to spoil her too much. She usually gets along with everyone, but school is a different story. I'm 5 months..this is too much.


I saw my little cutie in the office.

"Hey. I'm here for Alliyah."

"Yeah. There she is."

My mood swings are the WORST part of everything.

"Yeah. I know. I CAN see."

"There's no need for an attitude Ms. WestBrooks."

"Well, treat me like I have common sense...and why didn't you call me when this FIRST happened."

"We called the emergency contact Mr. Graham, but--"

"But you SHOULD HAVE called the PRIMARY. Alliyah, get in the car."

"Ms. WestBrooks. I don't want to, but I would call security if--"

"No. FUCK security and FUCK YOU, TOO! I bet that you're blaming all this on my baby girl, but she gets along everywhere else BUT here! She WILL be unrolled from here and I WILL be contacting your school board. I might even get a lawyer and a lawsuit against you."

I walked out when the woman was trying to defend her job and shit. How the hell do she not know to call me first?!

"Am I in trouble?"

"No. They will be."

This whole time, Aubrey wanted her home schooled with a private tutor, but it was ME who didn't want her to be.

I tried to call him, but no answer. I looked back at Alli and saw her crying a little.

"What's wrong?"

"People were mean to me."

"What happened?"

"They talked about my hair and eyes. They kept calling me white and stupid. My real mom and daddy is dead and no one wants me."

"Did you tell a teacher?"

"No. They said I was a tattle-tale."

My hands were crushing the wheel TIGHT.

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