Chapter 51:

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*Crystal's POV*

"Wake up, Crystal!"

"Stop. I'm tired."

He grabbed my feet and pulled me to the foot of the bed. He opened my legs and leaned down onto me, in-between my legs. He was a centimeter away from my lips and whispered,"Get up." He started to kiss my neck, making me tingle with tickles.

"Hahaha. Ok, Aubrey. *Switches to my deep voice* Okay."

"Yo ass too damn goofy. Come on."

I got up and got ready. I put on a long ass 'OVO' shirt and YMCMB sweat pants with toe-out shoes. I left my hair in a bun from the previous night and left with my baby.


We were leaving the car lot and the courthouse. I'm OFFICIALLY a legal guardian of Alliyah Sade (Sadie) Graham.

I was driving home. I have a white BMW 750 li. My dream baby.

"My graduation is in 3 days."

"I'm leaving in 2."

"For the tour?"


"Oh. I hope you have fun."

"You sure you don't wanna come?"

"I'm sure that I don't want you to leave."

"What are you gonna do the whole time?"

"I wanna sign Alliyah up for gymnastics and dance classes."

"She wanna do that?"

"I don't know. I'm gonna get photos done, too. I want a naked picture of me while I'm pregnant."

"Who's gonna see you naked?"

"Nigga, chill. It won't be crew love."

"But it'd be crew lust."

"Calm yo ass. I don't be that way when you take off your shirt and shit on stage. That reminds me. I wanna tattoo, too."

"Of what?"

"Alliyah's name."

"You can either get it on your arm or leg. No thighs, breasts, ass, or back."

"You gonna see it when you come back from the shoot."

I pulled up to the house and Aubrey got into his car while I pulled off to go to India's.


"India! Come on!"

"Ok. Okaayyyy. Lemme grab my purse and then I'll meet you outside."


"Oh Shit, Crystal! This is yours?!"

"Hell yeah, fucking right."

"Lemme drive it."

"I JUST got it today."


"No. Damn."

We rode to the tattoo parlor because BOTH of us wanted one.


"It HURTS like FUCK!"

"Ummm. Crystal. You JUST started. Better hold on tight, baby girl."

I bit my lip in frustration. I was getting 'Alliyah Sade' done in a small, cursive form on my right side right above my hip/ the bottom of my waist.

"Crys, it's my time to get tatted so I'm about to go in the other room."



Tiffani (My Tattoo Artist): "So you're Crystal? Chris's Crystal."

"Used to be. We broke up hella weeks ago."

"So who are you with now?"

"A new artist named 'Drake'."

"Drake?! That sings 'Find Your Love?' Lil Wayne's protegè?"

"Haha. Yeah. He's THAT famous, huh?"

"Girl, yes. His songs hit from back to back."

"Oh. Are you're almost done?"

"Annnnnnddddd done."

"Oh my fuck. Finally."

"The mirror is right there if you wanna see."

I looked in the mirror. First thing I noticed was my big ass breasts (I didn't have a shirt on), but I looked down and saw a big pink spot. I got sensitive ass skin, but the tattoo was PERFECT.

"Thanks SO much. It's beautiful."

"Your welcome, just pay in the front."



I waited until India was done to join me in the car, but my phone started to ring.


"Hey, Chris! I missed you."

"Wanna come over?"

"I can't. I'm with India, today."

"She hears us?"

"No. She's getting her tattoo done."

"You got one?"


"Send me a picture."

"How about I try to come over later to show you. I'll try to get away from India."

"Alright, well--"

"I gotta go. India's coming out."

"Ok. I love you."

"I love you, too. Bye."

India was sitting down in the car when I was hanging up.

"That was Aubrey?"

"No. Chris."

"What? Y'all still talk? Aubrey knows?"

"Don't say shit to him. He doesn't know, yet."

"Fuck, Crystal!"

"I'M CONFUSED! I don't know who I want."

"Chris cheated and beated you...isn't that enough for you to choose?!"

I sighed and started my car, on my way to 5 Guys.

"Crystal, just PLEASE don't pick the wrong one."

"I love them BOTH. Chris was my first everything and the best that happened to me and --"

"But who was THERE for you! Who do you trust?"

"Do you want to eat inside with me?"


We went in and ordered. She showed me her tattoo in the bathroom. It's a tramp stamp of a orange and pink a sunset colour. I loved it.


When I dropped her off at her house, I called Chris.

"Hey. I'm on my way."


RIP to Talia Joy Castellano. She was TRULY beautiful and inspirational. It's unbelievable she passed because she was so strong and determined. At least she's FINALLY outta the pain. God bless you, baby girl.

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