Chapter 74:

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*-Crystal's POV-*

I'm in HELLA pain. I swear to God that I regret getting pregnant at this point. I woke up to the babies whining. That was probably the longest nap that I've had since giving birth. Almost 2 hours. I have to feed them just about every hour or hour and a half.

I hurried to use the bathroom. I'm still bleeding. I washed my hand and cared for the triplets.

While they were being fed, I noticed that Alli was in India's spot, but India left and sent me a text.

From Indo: Sorry I left, but the couch was uncomfortable. If you need me, I'll be there. I love you and congratulations.

I changed the kids then put them back down. Damn, I feel like pure SHIT. I never imagined labor and post delivery would be like THIS. I should be healed in a couple of weeks. If I didn't go to school to learn about this, things would be WORSE. Since I did yoga and massages for the tearing, I guess it could be worse.


I was awoken again 1 1/2 hour later. I did the same things.

"Good Morning. You're feeling better?"

I turned over and saw Chris looking at me.

"I don't even remember how it feels to feel no pain. These kids kicked my ASS, but the small naps I do take made me feel a small amount better."

There was a long awkward silence.

"Who do you think the father is?"

This is one question that I NEVER wanted to hear.

"*Sighs* I don't feel up for all this stress."

Alliyah eyes started to flutter open.

"You up, Alli?"

"Yeah." Her hyperactive ass sprang to life. "I have to use that bathroom."

She did her business and came out.

"Can I hold a baby?"

"Did you wash your hands?"


"Sit on the bed next to me."

She gently climbed beside me.

"Which one do you want to hold?"

"What are the names?"

"The boy's name is Raymond."

"What's the girls'?"

"I'm waiting on some papers first."

"Wellllll, I want that one."

She pointed to the small girl.

"You have to be reeaallly careful."

I showed her how to hold the baby.

"I finally have sisters and brothers."

"Yeah. You want more?"

"100 more...why is this one so small? She looks like a babydoll."

"I don't know."

"I can tell the difference. Her hair is brown and the big one is black."

"Yeah. You're right."

Chris: I'm going to go. Call me if you need anything.


Alliyah: Bye.

Chris: Bye.

"Momma. I'm hungry."

Chris just left, but I wouldn't send her with him unless Aubrey's okay with it. Aubrey has been asleep for 3 hours..I want him to sleep, but I can't.

I put the child that I was holding into an incubator.

I was going too slow, so Alliyah asked if I was okay.

"Don't have kids for a looonnggg time. It hurts like hell."

I wobbled over to Aubrey. I kept shaking him to wake him up.

"Everything's alright?"

"Alli's hungry."

"Alright. You hungry, too?"

"I just want a small salad."

He got up and took Alli downstairs while I'm stuck alone...again...with 3 newborns.

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