Chapter 73:

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*-Aubrey's POV-*

When I got off the plane, I read a text.

-At 3:02-

From India: 2 girls and 1 boy.

To India: I just landed. I'm on my way.

I can't wait to kids?

I know that Chris helped Crystal in the last few weeks and I can't get mad. What would be the point of arguing? She told me that he was never around Alliyah, though. Lord knows that I would leave her ass if she brought Chris around my princess.

The cab pulled up to Central Santa Monica Medical Center. I paid and tipped the driver because she sped to get me here. It's 6:42 in the morning.

I got the room number and went up to visit her. I opened the door and I seen the best image a father could EVER see of his possible kids and future wife....well, one of the best images.

Crystal was sitting up and Alliyah was asleep by her side. The babies were being breast fed and Crys looked a mess, but still beautiful. Her hair was in a bun, but still all over her head, obvious that sweat was poured all over her because her hair and face looked sticky with a slight glow. She didn't notice my approach.

I looked over at the couches and saw India on one and Chris on another.

"Crys?" My voice was soft and peaceful, careful to not wake anyone or startling the newborns.

She looked up with a tired smile. She carefully got up and put the kids back in their incubators. She slowly walked to me with a limp while straightening up her gown.

"I've missed you." She wrapped her arms around me and laid her head against my chest.

I walked us over to a chair. I sat down and she sat in my lap.

"It still hurts. They say that I have second degree vaginal tearing. It's KILLING me. That's what I get for an all natural birth."

"You're alright now, though." I didn't know how to reassure her.

Everything was silent for a couple of minutes. The only sounds were of the babies making noises.

"You thought of names?"

"The boy's name is gonna be Raymond, regardless of the paternity. If you're the father, the oldest will be 'Audrey Spirit Marē Graham. The last one will be whatever you wanna name her... maybe Autumn Allyna (Alina) Renā, like your sister."

I like her ideas.

"What if they're not mines?"

"Oldest will be ChristiAna Jazmeena Marea. With Chris's initials. I haven't really thought of the youngest...maybe Sabrina with no middle name."

"Did you send off the DNA, yet?"

"The results will come back in 3-10 days."

"I won't be here for that long. I have to leave in 2."

"I'm sleepy."

I kissed her forehead. "Go ahead and sleep. There are 3 other people here in case something happens."

"4. Don't forget my oldest peanut bug."

Where the fuck does she come up with these crazy nicknames.

She kissed my lips and got up. She slowly limped to the bed and got as comfortable as she could.

I feel bad for her. Her baggy eyes told a lot. A lot about the pain. The anxiety. The fatigue. I love her too much to see her like this.

I watched over the kids and my baby before I fell asleep myself.

*-Chris's POV-*

I was awake the whole time. The only thing I could say is that the kids HAVE to be mines. I hit it first.

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