Chapter 18

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  I followed them to the apartment. When she got out the car she needed help getting the grociers from her lap and the boy helped her. "Thanks caleb." she said and gave him a big smile. I got very angry for some reason. Then they went inside. 

  I needed to know what floor was his apartment so I could go crash their party. How dare she go out with a boy already while shes pregnant with my kid. I walked inside and saw them going into the elevator. It showed the 2nd floor. I took the next available elevator and went to the 2nd floor. Right when the elevator opened they were far down and I saw them go into the room 255. I went up to the door then stopped. 

  If i went in all angry Caleb might think of me as a bad person when I am clearly not. Then there goes Harry Styles reputation. I needed someone else to.... Just then I saw a girl walking towards her room. This could work 

 Realizing how mad it made me to see her with that Caleb guy made me realizer how much I miss her and how big of a jerk I have been. 

  "Excuse me ms..." I said trailing off and she turned around. Her eyes got all big and her hands immediatly went to her mouth. "Shhh dont scream." I said 

  "But your-" I cupped my mouth over her mouth. 

  "I Known but please dont say my name out loud." and she nodded. I looked at her straught in the eyes and smiled. "How would you like to do me a favor." I said removing my hands from her mouth.


  "That was nice of you Hannah." I said setting the ingrediants down.

  "Anything for you April." she said and gave me a hug. I know I only knew her for a  little bit but shes definantly friend material. She cared for me so much that my thank yous arent making up for anything. She was that someone I needed here to make me feel better again. So I took my phone out of my pocket and asked for her number.

  "My number?" she asked and she stopped cooking. Her eyes were filled with happiness.

  "Whats the big surprise its just a number." Caleb said to Hannah. I guess he didnt actually know who I was. 

  "CALEB you idiot do you even know who she is?" she exclaimed and I looked down. nobody I thought to myself.

  "I believe she said her name was.... um oh yea April!" he said grabbing an apple and sitting on the countertop.

  "Omg caleb shes April-gonna be-styles, Harry styles Fiance, and model!"

  "WHAT?" Caleb said and he spit his apple out of his mouth. "You are?" he exclaimed?

  I thought for a moment and thinking what I should say. I didnt want to tell the truth yet until I trusted them enough. "Yea but its complicated alittle."

  "Thats amazing." 

  "Please dont tell anyone I am here." I said begging.

  "I wont I Promise." he said and laughed. 

  "Do you still want my number?" she asked and I nodded laughing.

Then someone knocked on their door. "Who could it be?" Caleb asked and got off the counter top.

  "Um hi?" i heard him say 

  "Hi is April in here?" a female voice asked and I didn't recognize it at all. I walked out the kitchen and saw a girl my age with brown hair and blue eyes and she was smiling. I didnt know her at all. I walked next to caleb and stood there. 

  "OMG April ive been looking for you all over I was so worried for you when you left the hospital girl come on lets go now." she said grabbed my hand and dragged me out the door. I didnt get to say anything because she yelled bye to caleb and she shut the door. She took me to a corner then let go of my hand which was now in pain.

  "Who the hell are you and how dare you drag me out that house!" I yelled because I was frustrated.

  "I am sorry I didnt mean to ms. April its just that he made me do it for a deal." 

 "What the hell are you talking about?" I asked 

"Me." A familiar raspy voice said behind me an I turned around. I saw Harry standing behind me wearing a open buttoned shirt, and black pants. He had a creepy smile on his face and he was leaning agaisnt the wall. 

  "Thanks babe." he told the girl and she nodded and just left like that leaving me and him alone. I gulped loudly and looked on the floor. I couldent bear to look in his beautiful eyes, he was to preious. Then I reminded myself I was doing all this beacuse I dint want to hurt him. 

  Then I started to walk away from him when he grabbed my hand and pinned me to the wall. I could feel his breath on my neck.

  "Dont move April." he said then let go of me. "I am not here to physically hurt you." he said then moved a step back. "You broke my heart April in many was," he started. "The first time i was trying to forgive you because it was my mistake. Then the second time it was your fault for lying to me about you and Louis." then he looked up and stared into my eyes.

  "April It gave me great pain to see you walk into that apartment with that guy and I realized how much Ive missed you."

  I literally want to die right now. I dont want him to forgive me! Why cant he just forget about me and leave me the hell alone so I dont have to remmeber him either. I know I am not gonna survive this cancer.

  "Oh it made you mad to see me just walk into a house with him but you dont seem to mind the fact you had a chick in your car yesterday you took home." i spat out trying to be rude as possible.

  "I am so sorry I was just so mad at you I was drunki and-" he stopped and he cupped my cheeks in his hands. His green beautiful eyes were filled with tears and I wanted to cry and hug him right there but I couldent hurt him when I die. Not again. 

  "No harry-" I started

  "April listen we can raise this child together and we can be a happy perfect family." he stated and he looked for a answer in my eyes. 

  I had to hurt him one last time so he could leave me forever. I knew just what to do.

  "Harry I cant hold this gulit any longer." I lied then pushed him away from me. 

  "What guilt?" he asked wiping his tears.

  "Harry, th-this child.... its not yours... its calebs." I said lying then looked at his face.

  He changed immediatly. His face was covered with sadness and anger. We stood there in silence for a bit till he banged his hand in the wall. "HARRY!" I screamed and touched his hand because he was bleeding.

  "When?" his eyes pleaded. "When did you guys start seeing each other." he asked and I looked away from him ashamed at my lie. "I AM ASKING YOU A QUESTION!" he screamed and I started to cry.

  "It was months ago!" I lied and he screamed which startled me.

  "I never want to see your face again." he angrily whispered then pushed me to the side and left. I crumpled to the floor crying and buried my hands in my face. Little did I know that would be the last time I actually saw him.






~Rainbow Unicorn

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