Chapter 2

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I was too late.

I started to cry and immediatly Harry turned around and hugged me.

"What's wrong babe?!" he askes surprised.

I didn't answer him.

Him hugging me was very comforting and I liked it. But one way or another I had to answer him.

I let go of him and looked at him in the eye.



"No manegment wantes you to date her and I saw you on the phone with her so I thought-" and I trailed off.

"Manegement WHAT? Oh no no no. I knew it o should have told them about us iam so stupid!" he said

"Hey your not stupid don't ever say that again!" I say comforting him.

"Iam gonna tell them right now!" he said then he left the room.

He was a strong boy that is why I love him.I would do anything for him.

I was sitting down when I saw his phone right there. I wanted to touch it and see if he was hiding anything.

I saw no one was coming so I picked it up and went through his stuff. I saw he was hididng nothing from me.

I mean he's a huge popstar and he still chose me from all those girls. He loves me.

I heard something so I quickly put it back and pretended to sit on the couch.

Harry walked through the door all sad and looked up at me.

This couldent be good.

"What happened?" I asked.

He ran his hands through his hair then started to speak.

"They wanted me to still date Caroline for my career." he said.

Now I hated thd manegment. Its lile they control all of their lives and one dirction are their puppets.

I knew what I had to do.

"Harry you can fake date her for your career its okay." I tell him looking down. From the inside it really hurted.

His head shot up and he walked towards me. He rested his hand on my shoulder and looked deep into my eyes.

"April you would do this for me?" he askes.

"Of course Harry just remember that iam yours okay?" I say then I walk out the room.

~At lunch~

I was sitting in the corner next to Louis. I carefully watched every move Caroline and Harry did. I admite I feel jealous but its for his career.

"Who's that?" Caroline asked pointing at me.

"She's my umm.. friend!" Louis said

Then he turned to face me and he had a worried look on his face. He was actually feeling bad for me.

"April I see that your hurt." Louis said whispering.

He was right. why did i ever agree to this nonsence? It just hurted me even more. I had to tell Harry.


I turned around to look at Harry and Caroline and guess what!


I couldent take it anymore. It only been 30 minutes and she was already in his face!

I got up and wiped my tears and ran to the bathroom to freshen off. I didn't want Harry to know I was crying.

I was wiping my tears when Elenour walked in. She had a sad expression on her face.

Over the days we became very close friends. We had a nice bond and if anything happened we would care for each other.

"Hi Elenour." I said faking a smile.

She came closer to me and touched my shoulder lightly.

"I can't see my friend hurt!" she said then her sad expression turned to an angry one.

"THAT STYLES WHO DOES HE THINK HE IS??! I mean April he told you he loves you more than anything. True love is more than his career why doesn't he understand?!" she said.

I couldent blame her.

She was right.

Harry said he loved me more than anything and he would do anything for me to be happy.

I hugged Elenour and I thaned her.

"Ele your right iam gonna go tell that to Harry right now!" I said then I waled out.

I was going to the table when I saw Caroline all mad and angry. I wonder what happened here.

"What hapened?" I asked.

Caroline looked at me in the eye and started to talk. "YOU!" she screamed.

"You ruined my chances with Harry!" she yelled.

I was speechless. I was gone for 3 minutes and I missed so much drama.

"Sorry Caroline I want to be with April." Harry said wrapping his warm arm around me.

Caroline got up and stomped out the resrurant. I can't believe Harry picked me over his career.

"Harry you did-" but he stoped me.

"I'll rather have you then my career I shouldn't have done that." he said then we both leaned in and kissed.

"PDA!" Louis screamed.

"Oh shut up boobear like you never kissed." Elenour said then she kissed him amd we all laughed.

Then the phone rang and ruined our moment.

"pick it up Hazz." Liam said and Harry picked it up.


"Ya sure okay." he said then he cut it.

"What's wrong bro?" Zayn asked and Harry surprisingly turned to me.

"Manegement wants to see both of us immediatly!"





Love Gone... WRONG (SEQUEL Harry Styles)Where stories live. Discover now