iii. tribute parade

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Natalie stared at the long black leather outfit in the mirror. When she sat with her stylist, she didn't expect him to tell her that he was going to set her fire. She didn't care that the fire wasn't going to be real, she still didn't want to set on fire.

She continued to look at the mirror but she looked at all her flaws. She didn't feel real, she felt fake. She was like a plastic doll they could poke and do whatever they wanted to. She had to admit that she liked the red highlights but she didn't like how they waxed her to the point she couldn't feel her legs or the fact that they had to wash her until it looked like her skin was blushing.

Even though that was was a few hours ago, Natalie still very uncomfortable. Her outfit very too tight and even though she was completely covered, she felt more exposed then ever.

Natalie made her way to where all the tributes was, as anxiety ran though her body. She played nervously with her necklace as she saw the other tributes look more intimidating then they did through the screen. She let out a deep breath as she walked over to Peeta, letting go of her necklace.

"Hey" she forced a smile on her face as she looked at them. She couldn't look her brother in the eye, knowing that one of them could die, or even worse. They could end up dead. She was surrounded by people but she never felt so alone. It was like they was all crowding around her and suffocating her all at once. She knew she had to get out but that wasn't a option. Running away from your problems, was never an option for her. But yet, Natalie couldn't see no other option but to run.

So she just stood there in the crowd of people, acting like a perfect piece in the games. She smiled to those who smiled at her and kept quiet to those she hated as Peeta did all the talking. She glanced around the room and locked eyes with someone from across the room. She couldn't look away, it was like she was frozen in time and she was the only person in the room. She looked away just as quickly and looked back at her brother who was still talking to their drunken mentor. Natalie bit her lip before stepping onto the chariot just as the bell rang.

She took her brother's hand tightly, afraid that she'll fall off and for resurgence that everything is going to be okay, even if it wasn't. She squeezed his hand before deciding to let go. She knew that whatever happened, she had to protect him, that he was the one who had to win and go home to their family. But what she didn't know was that Peeta was thinking the same thing. He would do whatever he had to do to protect Natalie. He wouldn't be able to cope knowing that his twin didn't survive. She was the only one keeping Peeta going, without her, he had nothing. Nothing to fight for, nothing to wake up to, nothing to live for. They were inseparable. They did almost everything together and they couldn't bear the thought of being without each other. They were each other anchors.

Natalie glanced around the room of people as her anxiety grew worse. She saw thousands of people with all different coloured hair and bright clothes cheering and shouting. Some were throwing roses, blowing kisses or holding up signs for the people that they want to win. She looked back at Peeta before whispering in his ear.

"wave and blow kisses to the crowd" Even if they got separated in the arena, she had to make sure that Peeta was the one getting the sponsors, not anyone else. He had to be the one coming out alive. But her brother had other plans. He took her hand and lifted them high in the air for everyone to see.

They looked at each other and for the first time since they arrived then finally agreed on something. They were a team; they were allies. If one died, then so did the other.

Then at the moment, all the focus was on them. Not because they showed that they was a team but the flaming fire that was behind their backs, but they couldn't feel nothing. Even Natalie stared at the fire in amazement. She looked back at Peeta with a smile on her face, for the first time since the arrived.

A couple of moments after the President Snow's speech, they arrived back where they started. In a room full of tributes but instead of waiting to go on their chariots, they had to wait for the elevators. Most of the tributes and mentors had left by the time it was Natalie's turn.

She almost sighed in relief when she got into the elevator. She hoped that it would of just been her district but she frowned and clenched her fists, once she saw district two walk into the elevator. But at the same time, she couldn't help but stare the same blue eyes she saw earlier. She knew that she should look away but she didn't. It wasn't until she felt him staring that she looked away.

"Enjoying what you see?" The blue eyes boy said. Natalie rolled her eyes, ignoring the sound of her heart beating fastly. "Yes I do" she stated, watching him smirk before she added. "especially when you're covered in blood"

From a small distance you could Effie let out a loud gasp and see Haymitch looking awfully pissed but impressed at the same time. She knew she should've stopped there but she felt like she couldn't. The guy could easily kill her as soon as the games started and she just made it on his top five kill list.

Just as he was about to reply, the elevator stopped and opened on District 2's floor. She waved innocently with a grin on her face just as the door close. Everyone in the elevator kept quiet, thinking that she could snap anytime.

A couple of minutes later, they finally arrived on their floor and she almost sighed in relief. She couldn't wait to get out of the uncomfortable costume. But before she could, food was already on the table. The twins looked at each other and saw a flicker of hesitantion.

All Natalie was thinking is that they were testing them, to see if they would stuff their faces with food but they knew better. They both sat down and waited to see if anyone would start eating but when they did Natalie took as little as possible.

"Up early tomorrow you two, you've got training" It was until then that it properly sinked it for Natalie. "Let the games begin" she whispered under her breath.


Ugh I suck at endings, anyway new chapter, sorry for the wait :)

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